Here is a list of fitness and weight training exercises. Details include a step by step instruction, and tips and alternative exercises. Come back soon as more exercises are being added all the time.
The list has been divided into sections (some exercises are on more than one list):
- Gym Exercises
- Pregnancy Exercises
- Dumbbell Exercises
- Bodyweight Exercises (no equipment)
- Home Workout
- 7-Minute Workout
- Exercises for the beach
- Superhero Workout
Gym Exercises
- Back Extensions
- Bench press
- Bicep curls
- Dead-lifts
- Hack Squats
- Leg curls
- Leg press
- Leg Extensions
- Lat pull-downs
- Lunges
- Power Clean
- Squats
Pregnancy Exercises
- Squat Stretch
- Chest Muscle Exercise
- Squats
- Wall Press
- Step Ups
- Side Lunge
- Forward Lunge
- Forward bend
- Neck Rotation
- Hamstring Lift
- Inner Thigh Lift
- Outer Thigh Lift
- Pelvic Thrust
- Dromedary Droop
- Pelvic Tilt

Dumbbell Exercises
Bodyweight Exercises (no equipment)
Home Workout
- Push-ups
- Lunges
- Dips
- Bucket Squats
- Wall Squat
- Single-Leg Squat
- Chin ups
- Bent Over Row
- Bottle Lateral Raises
- Sit Ups
- Step Ups
- Side Bridge
- Straight-Legged Dead Lift
7-Minute Workout
- Jumping Jacks
- Wall Sit
- Push-up
- Abdominal Crunch
- Step-up onto chair
- Squat
- Triceps Dips
- Plank
- High knees/running in place
- Lunge
- Push-up and rotation
- Side Plank
Exercises for the Beach
- Push-ups (also incline Push-ups and Wall Press)
- Step-Ups
- Sit-Ups
- Dips
- Bounding - double leg
- Bounding - single leg
- Hopping
- Water Running
- Sand Running
- Dune Sprints
- Beach Sprints
- Lunges
- Squats
- Beach & Water Activities
Superhero Workout
Related Pages
- Exercises to Avoid
- Articles about exercise technique