The single-leg squat exercise can be part of the home fitness program, fitness exercises you can do at home with minimal equipment. All you need is a box, chair or step to rest one foot on. If you have bad knees, don't go too low.

Equipment Required: something to rest your back foot on.
- Stand about 2 feet in front of a stable chair, step or box.
- Extend one leg behind you, toes resting on the support, with the front foot slightly ahead of the body.
- Lower the body by bending the front knee to approximately a right angle.
- Push back up to straighten the front leg.
- Repeat the desired number of repetitions
- After a rest, repeat on the other side.
- Do 3 sets of 20 reps each for each leg.
Key points to remember
- Remember not to let the knee of your forward foot extend past your ankle. If it does, adjust your positioning accordingly.
- Don't hold your breath
- Keep looking straight ahead
- Increase the intensity by pausing for a longer period in each position
- See also the similar home Squat Exercise
- A similar exercise is the lunge
- Wall Sit — holding the sitting position for 30 seconds, part of the 7-minute workout
Related Pages
- More of fitness at home
- Gym Exercises - the Squat
- Free weights for sale in the fitness store
- Squats with dumbbells
- Squats at the beach
- Squats during pregnancy
- Are squats bad for your knees? - the squat myth