Equipment: lat pulldown machine
- Attach a long bar to the lat pulldown machine, and adjust the thigh pads so that when you are sitting your knees are at right angles and feet flat on the ground.
- Grasp the bar using a wide grip and sit down maintaining the upper body in an upright position, slightly leaning back from the hips.
- Pull the bar in front of your face to the top of your chest and pause.
- Slowly release the bar back to the starting position by straightening your arms.

Key points to remember
- Avoid jerky movements
- Keep shoulders down to stabilize the scapula and isolate the lats.
- The grip can be either facing forward or facing back to you. Each grip will use the muscles differently. See more about grips.
- Avoid the potentially dangerous behind the neck technique alternative. See exercises to avoid.
Related Pages
- About the lat pulldown machine
- Lat Pull-downs: Improving the effectiveness of pull-downs
- Lat Pull-downs Behind the Neck - An exercise to avoid
- Lat Pull-Down 1RM Fitness Test
- Complete Exercise List