Home > Fitness Training > Exercise Database > Dumbbell Exercises > Side Raises

Dumbbell Side Raises (Lateral Raises)
Equipment Required: a pair of
dumbbells, mirror (optional)
- Starting by standing and holding a dumbbell in each hand (facing a mirror if one is available).
- Slightly bend at the elbows and turn the dumbbells so that the palms are facing the sides of your body
- Raise the dumbbells out to the sides until they are at shoulder height. At the top of the movement, the dumbbells should be facing downward.
- After a pause at the top, slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
- Repeat until the set is completed
Key points to remember
- Keep the torso upright, with the abdominals tight and the lower back in a neutral position.
- The movement should be performed in a slow and controlled manner
- The intensity of this exercise can be modified using a variety of weights and by modifying the number of repetitions and sets
- Any weighted object can be used rather than dumbbells, so this exercise can be performed at home without the need of specific equipment.
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