Home > Fitness Training > Workouts > Women > Pregnancy Exercises > Lunge > Side Lunge

Side Lunge Exercise
- To strengthen your adductor and abductor muscles, thighs and buttocks
- Equipment Required: a firm but not hard surface
- Start by standing with your feet comfortably apart with your toes pointed forward.
- Step to the side with one leg and lower your body slightly at both knees. Don’t step out too far. Keep your weight evenly between your heels and toes.
- Push up and back to the starting position.
- Repeat this action for 10-15 repetitions to one side, then repeat the action to the other side.
Key points to remember
- Inhale as you step to the side, exhale as you push back up
- Keep your back upright and abdominals pulled in.
- You can step to the side at any angle, for example you can step out at a 45 degree angle. Changing the angle, stepping further out, and dropping down lower all make different muscle groups work harder.
- See the similar Forward Lunge Pregnancy Exercise
- If you find this exercise too easy you may use hand weights to increase the intensity.
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