Home > Fitness Training > Exercise Database > Dead Lift

Equipment: barbell (
- Stand behind the bar, so that it is over the balls of your feet.
- Keep feet shoulder width apart, pointing
forwards or slightly outwards.
- Squat down grasp the bar, hands slightly greater than shoulder
width apart.
- Thighs should be approximately parallel to the ground, back
straight, and eyes looking forward.
- Keeping the back rigid and arms straight, lift the bar using
the legs, keeping the bar as close to the body as possible.
- When standing upright, complete the lift by raising the shoulders.
- Return bar to ground using a controlled technique.
Key points to remember
- To avoid injury, keep the back straight at all times, assisted
by raising the head.
- Make sure you move in a smooth motion throughout the lift.

the deadlift exercise
- Alternate hand grip (one overhand, one underhand)
- Perform the exercise with the bar between the legs.
- Use a hex bar (also called a trap bar) to better keep the weight closer to your center of gravity and enable you to lift heavier erights safely.
- Straight legged deadlifts. For info, see here.
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