Equipment: barbell, free weights, EZ Curl Bar, dumbbells

- Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees relaxed.
- Grasp a barbell (or use dumbbells) with your hands also shoulder width apart.
- Your grip should be underhand (palms facing upwards)
- Stand upright and let the bar hang in front of your thighs.
- Bend at your elbows to curl the bar to shoulder level.
- Pause momentarily at this top position.
- Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
Key points to remember
- Ensure your elbows remain stationary and to the sides of your body during the entire exercise.
- The bar should be moved with a smooth action with no jerky movements.
- The exercise can be performed with either a single barbell or two dumbbells (see dumbbell bicep curl). If using single dumbbells, you can perform the exercise with alternate arm action. (see dumbbell bicep curl)
- An alternative to using a barbell to bdo a bicep curl is the EZ Curl Bar, which has angled grips that make it more comfortable to grip and allow for a wider range of motion.
- Some gyms may have pull systems that can perform the same action as this exercise.
Related Pages
- Read this article on dumbbell Curls: Get a Grip! Squeeze more results from every single rep of your dumbbell curls.
- See dumbbell bicep incline curl, and the dumbbell concentration curls
- Bicep curl max fitness test.
- EZ Curl Bar — similar to a straight barbell, but has angled grips that make it more comfortable to grip and allow for a wider range of motion.
- Free weights for sale in the fitness store.