This chair dip exercise is part of the home fitness program, fitness you can do at home with minimal equipment. This exercise is also part of the 7-minute workout.
Equipment Required: two sturdy chairs, a step, or other stable surfaces.
- Position yourself in front of a chair or between the chairs, supporting your weight on your hands and with your feet a short distance out in front of you.
- Slowly lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the seat of the chairs
- Push back up until your arms are fully extended again.
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions or for a set time period (for the the 7-minute workout you do 30 seconds of dips).
Key points to remember
- Keep your head up, looking straight ahead, throughout the exercise
- Don’t bounce at the bottom of the movement.
- You can make this exercise more challenging by supporting yourself on one leg at a time.
- The intensity of this exercise can be adjusted by using steps or chairs of different heights
- Increase the intensity of this exercise by putting your feet further out in front of you or up on a chair too.
- You may be able to do this exercise using a single chair.
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