The squat exercise is a common training exercise for strengthening the lower body. There are many variations, from using no weights to maximal lifts in the gym with hundreds of kilograms resting on the shoulders.
Equipment Required: dumbbells, barbell and weights, weight belt, squat rack.
General Technique
- Stand with your feet flat on the floor and about shoulder width apart (toes slightly turned out)
- If using resistance, you can hold dumbbells in your hands or have a barbell resting across the shoulders.
- Slowly descend until the upper legs are parallel to the floor then push back up to the starting position.
- Throughout the exercise, keep the abdominals tight and the lower back in a neutral position.
- Repeat for a set number of repetitions.
Changing Intensity
- To further advance this exercise, stay down for 15 to 30 seconds, then rise up slowly.
Squat Variations
- Squats in the gym — maximal lifts with heavy weights on a barbell.
- Squats at home — simple exercise using buckets in the hands for weights.
- Squats at the beach — easy exercise for fitness outdoors.
- Squats with dumbbells — squat while holding dumbbells in the hands.
- Squats during pregnancy — strengthen the legs.
- Single-Leg Squats — rest one leg behind while squatting on the other.
- Bodyweight squats — lower body circuit exercise.
Related Pages
- An article on Squats: You Don't Know Squat! A discussion on the technique of doing the squat exercise.
- Gym Equipment Guide: The Squat Rack
- Free weights for sale in the fitness store
- Are squats bad for your knees? - The Squat Myth
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