Do you have what it takes to be a football or soccer player? The SPARQ is a rating system designed to measure sport-specific athleticism. The results from these tests are combined and weighted using a formula specific to soccer. This protocol is currently used by the US women's team.

Note: Despite being a very popular assessment method for some time, the SPARQ business is no longer active and is not available to conduct testing and rate players.
SPARQ Boys and Girls Soccer Testing Protocols
- Body mass — used with the vertical jump result to calculate a leg power score.
- Standing Vertical Jump — a measure of leg explosive power.
- 20-meter sprint — maximal running speed over 20m.
- Arrowhead Agility — this agility test quantifies a soccer player’s ability to quickly switch directions.
- Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery — ability to repeatedly perform intervals over a prolonged period of time.
SPARQ Soccer Self-Test
There is also a SPARQ Self-Test Kit, which includes a stop watch, measuring tape, six cones and a notepad to record results along with an instructional booklet and DVD on how to conduct each test. The tests included are the same as above: Body Mass, Vertical Jump, 20m Sprint, Arrowhead Agility and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test.
Previous Test Protocols
The following tests were once part of the assessments in the Soccer SPARQ, but have been superseded by the tests described above.
- One Step Vertical Jump — jumping for maximum height, this test measures explosiveness, and is a reliable indicator of speed. Requiring a single step approach, this test is best measured using a Vertec® though other methods may be used.
- 30 Meter Dash — measures linear running speed and sprint technique
- 30 Second Endurance Jump — measures agility and lower body strength endurance
- Overhead Power Ball Throw — measures core strength and total body power (boys use a 3kg ball, girls and youth use 2kg)
- Compass Drill — measures body control, lateral speed and ability to change directions. Also called the Agility Cone Drill.
Related Pages
- About the SPARQ Rating System
- fitness testing for soccer
- Poll about the fitness components for soccer
- Who Is The Fittest Footballer (Soccer Player) Ever?
- Fitness testing for other sports