The men’s marathon at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games in Spain was won by South Korean runner Young-cho Hwang. Here is a video of part of the event. See more on the men’s Olympic Games marathon.
Entries Tagged as 'Barcelona'
Marathon Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games
June 13th, 2012 · No Comments · Athletics
Tags: 1992·1992 Olympics·Athletics·Barcelona·events·marathon·olympic games·South Korea·Spain·track and field
100m Men's Sprint 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games
May 1st, 2012 · 1 Comment · Athletics
The men’s 100m at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games was won by British sprinter Linford Christie in 9.96 seconds. Here is a video of the final. See more on the History of the Olympics 100m sprint.
Due to copyright restrictions, the IOC require you to visit YouTube to view this video:
Tags: 100m·1992·1992 Olympics·Athletics·Barcelona·events·olympic games·Spain·track and field