If you cannot make it to the professional ranks as a sports person, which most of us can only dream about, we can stay in the field of sports that we love by choosing a career in a sports-related field. There is a large range of careers in sports-occupational areas, and prospects are increasing as more people play and watch sports. Also females are moving into many of the male-dominated areas.

See Career Tips for some guidance to find the job for you. Below are just a few sports careers to choose from.
Careers in Detail
- Exercise Physiologist — you can work in wellness, training, testing and research etc.
- Personal Trainer — How to become a Personal Trainer, or the similar fitness instructor and Strength and Conditioning Coach.
- Sports Medicine — medical practitioners, physiotherapists, physical therapists, sports trainer.
- Sports Dietitian — a career mixing food and athletes.
- Sports Coach — if you can't do it yourself, tell others how to do it.
- Education — teaching our youngsters about sport, health and fitness.
- Sports Official — there would be no sport without umpires and referees.
- Sport Psychologist — get into the minds of athletes.
- Biomechanist — jobs in biomechanics.
- Sport Journalist — write about what you like to watch.
- Administration — work with any sport as an assistant or facilities manager.
- Sports Photography — getting right next to the action to take photos sounds like a great job.
- Sports Analyst — collecting, interpreting, and analyzing sports-related data.
- Sports Chef — providing tasty meals that are also good for the athlete.
- Sports Marketing — including the job as a Sports Agent.
- Sport Businesses — How to start a business in the fitness industry.
- Sport Law — encompasses the legal regulations and principles that govern the sports industry.
Related Pages
- Sports Courses
- Tips to finding the right job in sports.
- Study skills and resources for students
- Top-6 Careers in Sports — Six promising sports jobs and the academic qualifications needed to pursue them.
- Combining Study and Sports — It may be difficult to combine sport with study but playing sports at college brings a lot of benefits.