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A Career in Sports Biomechanical Engineering

What does a Biomechanist do?

Biomechanics (Kinesiology as it is sometimes known) is the study of the laws of physics as applied to physical activity, exercise and sport. Biomechanics can be used to explain how muscles, bones and joints react under certain conditions and to improve performance using motion analysis techniques. Through scientific analysis of sporting technique, a sports biomechanist can provide valuable guidance to athletes to improve their skills and ultimately performance.

How to become a Biomechanist

Qualifications in the field of biomechanics are a combination of both mechanics and anatomy. You may either approach it though studies in engineering with additional education in the biological sciences, or from a background in anatomy or human movement, with additional education in physics and engineering. Either way, working as a biomechanical engineer requires at least a master’s degree at university. Biomechanists are typically employed in research settings and clinical sites, sporting institutes or at universities as a lecturer or researcher.

sports engineer jobA biomechanist at work

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Biomechanics Extra

Biomechanics applies the laws of mechanics and physics to human performance. See biomechanics applied to specific sports.

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