A successful athlete may be required to travel for their sport. There are many nutritional considerations for this - there may be a different environment (heat, cold, altitude), food availability and lifestyle changes - that may all affect your nutritional requirements.

Please have a look at the following pages for information for the traveling athlete:
- Travel Nutrition Guide — finding the appropriate foods to eat when traveling to foreign lands.
- Dietary Tips for Traveling — general tips for any traveling sports person.
- Tips for Beating Jetlag for the Traveling Athlete
- Nutrition at the Olympic Games
- Traveling to Altitude — tips for any athlete traveling to, or training at, altitude.
- Traveling to a Cold Climate — tips for any athlete traveling to a cold climate
Travel Food Guide for Athletes. For athletes traveling around the world, there are challenges not only finding food that you like, but finding healthy food that can meet your requirements as an athlete.
Related Pages
- Food Safety — When traveling, foods and water can be a source of contamination and have the potential to make you sick.
- Guide to watching what you eat while traveling.
- If you are traveling to a hot climate, hydration also becomes a very important issue.
- Airport Stopovers — a guide to healthy eating at the airport.
- Survival Around the World — a cookbook with helpful tips for traveling athletes
- Fitness and Traveling
- Travel & Health, Fitness and Sports — all our travel articles
- Tips For Healthy Restaurant Eating — while traveling you may need to eat at restaurants.
- For information about foods available around the world, read Clare Wood's travel food blog.