The Modified Pull-Up Fitness Test is a variation of the hanging pull-up or chin-up test, made easier as the whole body weight does not need to be pulled up. Participants lie straight horizontally, grasp a bar placed just out of reach, and pull up towards the bar. There is a similar Horizontal Pull-Up Test in which the legs are bent. The following information describes the procedures of this test as used in the Brockport Fitness Assessment.
test purpose: This test measures upper body pulling strength and endurance.
equipment required: Pull-up apparatus (or any adjustable horizontal bar).
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender and test conditions. Measure and record the height of the bar. Perform a standard warm-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.
test setup: The participant lies on their back, shoulders in line with the horizontal bar. Set up the bar at the appropriate height, ensuring that the bar is 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5cm) above the participant's fully extended arms. An elastic band is placed 7 to 8 inches (18-20cm) below the bar. This band marks the height to which the participant's chin must rise for completion of one repetition.
procedure: The participant positions themselves with their shoulders directly below the horizontal bar, then reaches up to grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width using an overhand grip. The hips are lifted so that the body is straight and the arms fully extended with the elbows locked. Weight should be resting on the heels of the feet. They then pull their body up towards the bar until the chin rises above the elastic band, keeping the body straight. Repeat as many times as possible, ensuring that the chin reaches the elastic for each repetition.
scoring: The maximum number of correctly performed pull ups is recorded. See these pull-up test norms.
reference: Winnick, J. P. & Short, F.X. (2014). The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Manual. 2nd Ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Similar Tests
- Horizontal Pull-Up Test — a variation of the hanging pull-up, made easier as the whole body weight does not need to be lifted.
- Bench Pull Test
- Flexed-Arm Hang Test from the PFT
- Pull-up procedure from the PFT
- NAPFA pull up
- General testing procedure for the Pull Up Test
Related Pages
- More info about the Brockport test battery.
- Where to buy pull-up or chin-up bars.
- POLL: Do you call it a chin-up or pull-up?
- Overhand or underhand - a description of each of the grip types
- Pull-up test norms
- chin up test videos
- Other strength tests
- Description of the chin up fitness exercise
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