see also the guide to buying a new treadmill
A treadmill is a versatile and effective fitness machine, though buying a new treadmill can be an expensive option. However if you understand what you're looking for and you do your research on second hand treadmills, you can minimize the risk and save a good deal of money.

The benefit of buying a new treadmill, compared to buying a secondhand one, is that you get a warranty, the parts are less likely to wear out too quickly, and you will get the latest features (see more on buying a new treadmill). However, you can save a lot of money buying a secondhand treadmill, though there is a risk involved whenever we purchase second-hand products of any kind. The following are some key things to be aware of when looking to buy one second hand.
The obvious benefit of buying a secondhand treadmill is the cost. Once you have the brand name and model you can check for the cost of an equivalent new treadmill to determine how much of a bargain you are getting. If you are getting a treadmill for a very discounted price at a store, check if there any additional fees. Often they will sell the discount treadmill at a great price - but not mention steep fees for delivery or setup.
Motor Condition
If you're looking for a used treadmill, pay special attention to the condition of the motor. Ensure the motor is in good working condition by giving it a good test run at all speeds. Most people are not qualified to evaluate the condition of an engine and other internal parts, you may find it useful to get an expert to look over it. We can easily notice if our used or discount treadmill is damaged or defaced in any way, though some kinds of wear aren't so easily spotted. You should find out the costs involved in replacing or repairing the motor if it goes out. Perform a thorough check of the electronic components since these can be expensive to replace.
Previous Use
Another consideration when buying a used treadmill is how often it was used and by whom. The previous use will determine how long you can expect your treadmill to last. Just finding out how old the machine is will not give you this information. Used treadmills being sold by a gym or club are likely to have been used roughly, while a treadmill offered by a middle-aged or elderly seller has probably been used sparsely. Avoid treadmills that have had multiple owners, as even if the machine looks in great condition and the last owners have not over used it, you can have no idea what happened with the previous owners.
If you're buying a used model that doesn't have all the features you want, you must work out the investment needed to upgrade the treadmill. For example, if the machine does not have a built in heart rate monitor, you may have to buy one separately, at a cost of hundreds of dollars.
If you buy a heavily used, obsolete model, you can expect it to die soon after you buy it. Buying from a private sale, you will not get a warranty. A treadmill hire company or repair place may be selling secondhand models and often will include a limited warranty. If a treadmill is sold at any unbelievable discount, make sure there is some warranty as often it is so cheap because the treadmill cannot pass a performance test.
Do your research
Read all the reviews you can find on the treadmill you are considering. Especially valuable are online sites that allow comments from buyers who are not in the business of selling treadmills because you are much more likely to find an unbiased opinion. Keep in mind, though, that no machine fits everyone so even excellent machines absolutely will receive an occasional negative review
Where to buy
You will need to shop around, and the internet is a great place to do that. If you're looking for a used treadmill start with the classified columns of newspapers and fitness web sites. There are mostly new treadmills available in online store.
Related Pages
- Guide to Exercise Treadmills
- Treadmills in the fitness store.
- Other Fitness Equipment
- Saving Money When Shopping for Sports Items
- Guide to buying a new treadmill
- Benefits of using a treadmill
- Treadmill Ergometers for Fitness Testing — a discussion and comparison of treadmill ergometers for fitness testing.
- heart rate monitors for sale.