With the postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo until 2021, the predictions of the medal winners has become much more difficult. Here are the predictions that were made by the website Olympicmedalspredictions leading up to the originally scheduled event in 2020, with only a final prediction before the Games in 2021. The website makes predictions based on results from major sporting events leading up to the Games.
This is just one of many prediction models for the Olympic Games medalists. See All the most recent predictions of the final Tokyo 2020 medal table.
There are two sets of tables concerning medal predictions, one for predictions of the total gold medals won, the other for predicted total overall medals won. See more details about each of these prediction models here.
Predicted Gold Medal Tally
No surprise here, USA are predicted to top the gold medal table. The next two places are predicted to be filled by China or the Russian team.
Table of predicted top 10 countries with TOTAL GOLD medals won
rank | Olympic medals predictions (July 24, 2021) |
Olympic medals predictions (Jan 28, 2020) |
Olympic medals predictions (Aug 18, 2019) |
Olympic medals predictions (June 13, 2019) |
Olympic medals predictions (February 12, 2019) |
Olympic medals predictions (from 12 Aug 2018) |
1 | USA (50) | USA (50) | USA (50) | USA (49) | USA (50) | USA (49) |
2 | China (39) | China (42) | China (37) | Russia (34) | Russia (32) | China (29) |
3 | Russia (27) | Russia (28) | Russia (34) | China (30) | China (29) | France (17) |
4 | Great Britain (21) | Great Britain (20) | Germany (20) | Germany (20) | Germany (19) | Japan (17) |
5 | Japan (16) | Japan (18) | Japan (18) | Japan (19) | Japan (18) | Germany (17) |
6 | Australia (15) | Germany (16) | Great Britain (14) | Great Britain (16) | Great Britain (16) | Great Britain (16) |
7 | Germany (15) | Australia (14) | Australia (12) | South Korea (12) | South Korea (14) | Russia (16) |
8 | Netherlands (10) | Netherlands (10) | Netherlands (10) | Netherlands (11) | Netherlands (11) | Australia (10) |
9 | France (10) | France (10) | Italy (9) | Australia (8) | France (9) | Netherlands (9) |
10 | Hungary (8) | Hungary (8) | South Korea (8) | Poland (8) | Australia (8) | South Korea (9) |
Predicted Total Medal Tally
No surprise here, USA is predicted to top the table.
Table of predicted top 10 countries with TOTAL MEDALS won
rank | Olympic medals predictions (July 24, 2021) |
Olympic medals predictions (Jan 28, 2020) |
Olympic medals predictions (Aug 18, 2019) |
Olympic medals predictions (June 13, 2019) |
Olympic medals predictions (February 12, 2019) |
Olympic medals predictions (from 12 Aug 2018) |
1 | USA (113) | USA (109) | USA (116) | USA (119) | USA (120) | USA (100) |
2 | China (82) | China (92) | China (86) | China (77) | Russia (77) | China (63) |
3 | Russia (70) | Russia (71) | Russia (75) | Russia (74) | China (77) | Russia (57) |
4 | Great Britain (54) | Great Britain (53) | Japan (55) | Japan (60) | Japan (59) | Germany (51) |
5 | Japan (51) | Japan (52) | Germany (51) | Great Britain (51) | Great Britain (52) | Great Britain (50) |
6 | Australia (45) | Australia (46) | Great Britain (50) | Germany (45) | Germany (44) | France (47) |
7 | Italy (43) | Germany (41) | Australia (43) | Italy (41) | Italy (40) | Japan (46) |
8 | Germany (40) | Italy (38) | Italy (40) | Australia (39) | Australia (39) | Netherlands (40) |
9 | France (33) | Netherlands (33) | Netherlands (33) | France (36) | France (37) | Australia (37) |
10 | Netherlands (31) | France (32) | France (33) | Netherlands (35) | Netherlands (35) | South Korea (24) |
Source: www.olympicmedalspredictions.com (author unknown, data now removed)
Related Pages
- All medal predictions for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics
- About Predicted Medal Tables
- 2021 prediction changes over time for Gracenote and Bestsports
- More Medal Tallies from each Olympic year
- See more about the Olympics Games in 2021