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Beach Sambo

Beach Sambo is one of the three main versions of the Russian martial art Sambo. It is growing quickly in popularity around the world.

The sport is obviously played on sand. Compared to combat and sports sambo, the rules are modified in that the combat lasts three minutes, without penalties and mat wrestling. The uniforms for the athletes are also modified.

The bouts are held only in the standing position. Victory is awarded after a throw, when the opponent falls on the sand on any part of the body other than the feet.

The first World Beach Sambo Championships took place on 28 – 29 Aug 2021, in Larnaca, Cyprus (postponed from 2020), with athletes from 11 countries attending. Participants competed in four weight categories: Men: 58 kg, 71 kg, 88 kg, 88+ kg, Women: 50 kg, 59 kg, 72 kg, 72+ kg. Mixed teams were formed from men (71 kg, 88 kg, 88+ kg) and women (72 kg, 72+ kg). The team from the Russian Sambo Federation  won six gold medals out of eight possible.

Beach Sambo has previously been held as part of the Asian Beach Games in 2014 and 2016. The first-ever Asian Beach Sambo Championships was due to occur in Sept 2021 but was postponed.

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