Here is a simple reaction time test using only a ruler, and a little bit of calculating. This is a good science class project. This test uses the known properties of gravity to determine how long it takes a person to respond to the dropping of an object by measuring how far the object can falls before being caught. An even simpler test, a variation of this test but not involving any calculations, requires making your own Reaction Timer. There are some commercially available variations of this test - see this review of Reaction Sticks.
test purpose: to measure reaction time, hand-eye quickness and attentiveness.
equipment required: 1 meter long ruler or Yardstick, calculator.
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, gender and test conditions. Write down which is the preferred hand. See more details of pre-test procedures.
procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting their elbow on the table so that their wrist extends over the side. The assessor holds the ruler vertically in the air between the participant's thumb and index finger, but not touching. Align the zero mark on the ruler with the participant's fingers. The participant should indicate when they are ready. Then, without prior warning, the assessor releases the ruler and lets it drop - the subject must catch it as quickly as possible as soon as they see it fall. Record in centimeters the distance the ruler fell (the level the participant grabs the ruler). Repeat this procedure several times (e.g. 10 times) and take the average score.
Calculate the average distance the ruler fell and enter it in this form
Table: You can also use the table below to determine how long it took the ruler to fall the measured distance (distance in cm, time in seconds).
distance (cm) | time (seconds) | distance (cm) | time (seconds) |
1 | 0.045 | 51 | 0.323 |
2 | 0.064 | 52 | 0.326 |
3 | 0.078 | 53 | 0.329 |
4 | 0.090 | 54 | 0.332 |
5 | 0.101 | 55 | 0.335 |
6 | 0.111 | 56 | 0.338 |
7 | 0.120 | 57 | 0.341 |
8 | 0.128 | 58 | 0.344 |
9 | 0.136 | 59 | 0.347 |
10 | 0.143 | 60 | 0.350 |
11 | 0.150 | 61 | 0.353 |
12 | 0.156 | 62 | 0.356 |
13 | 0.163 | 63 | 0.359 |
14 | 0.169 | 64 | 0.361 |
15 | 0.175 | 65 | 0.364 |
16 | 0.181 | 66 | 0.367 |
17 | 0.186 | 67 | 0.370 |
18 | 0.192 | 68 | 0.373 |
19 | 0.197 | 69 | 0.375 |
20 | 0.202 | 70 | 0.378 |
21 | 0.207 | 71 | 0.381 |
22 | 0.212 | 72 | 0.383 |
23 | 0.217 | 73 | 0.386 |
24 | 0.221 | 74 | 0.389 |
25 | 0.226 | 75 | 0.391 |
26 | 0.230 | 76 | 0.394 |
27 | 0.235 | 77 | 0.396 |
28 | 0.239 | 78 | 0.399 |
29 | 0.243 | 79 | 0.402 |
30 | 0.247 | 80 | 0.404 |
31 | 0.252 | 81 | 0.407 |
32 | 0.256 | 82 | 0.409 |
33 | 0.260 | 83 | 0.412 |
34 | 0.263 | 84 | 0.414 |
35 | 0.267 | 85 | 0.416 |
36 | 0.271 | 86 | 0.419 |
37 | 0.275 | 87 | 0.421 |
38 | 0.278 | 88 | 0.424 |
39 | 0.282 | 89 | 0.426 |
40 | 0.286 | 90 | 0.429 |
41 | 0.289 | 91 | 0.431 |
42 | 0.293 | 92 | 0.433 |
43 | 0.296 | 93 | 0.436 |
44 | 0.300 | 94 | 0.438 |
45 | 0.303 | 95 | 0.440 |
46 | 0.306 | 96 | 0.443 |
47 | 0.310 | 97 | 0.445 |
48 | 0.313 | 98 | 0.447 |
49 | 0.316 | 99 | 0.449 |
50 | 0.319 | 100 | 0.452 |
The table is based on the following formula, where d = the distance the ruler fell in meters, g = the acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s2), and t = the time the ruler was falling (seconds)
t = √ (2d / g)
scoring: There is a scoring table on the make your own Reaction Timer page where you can rate your score.
target population: sports requiring good hand-eye coordination and quick reactions, such as race car driving, boxing and racket sports.
variations: you could adapt this test to determine the reaction time to a sound, by using the set up with the subject wearing a blindfold, and the ruler being released at the same time as an auditory signal.
comments: results for left and right hands can be expected to be different, therefore this should be controlled for or at least the hand used recorded with the results.
Similar Tests
- Test your reaction time A fun test of your finger clicking reaction time.
- Tap reaction time — another online reaction time test, in which you respond to a change in screen color by tapping the screen.
- Light Board Reaction Timer — description of a reaction and coordination test used in testing boxers.
- SVT Reaction Test — light board reaction time test used by the AFL
- Batak Reaction Board Test — a commercially available reaction testing system for sports.
- Test your reaction time A fun online test of your finger clicking reaction time.
- React to Sound — an online reaction test in which the user responds to an audio cue.
Related Pages
- This test may be used in the assessment of concussion
- A list of reaction time tests
- Making your own Reaction Timer.
- Review of commercially available Reaction Sticks.
- Video examples of Reaction Time Tests
- View reaction time scores graphical results of people's reaction time scores from the above test.
- About Reaction Time
- A gravity experiment using a bowling ball
- Science Fair Projects for Fitness Testing and Biomechanics