The new sport of Kaaitoskill was created by Shripad Krishnarao Vaidya of Nagpur city in Maharashtra state of India, in the month of March 2019. Kaaitoskill is a sport of kite flying skills.
Equipment Required: Kites, Thread roll, Measuring Tape, Stop watch, Score Board, Camera.
First you have to make list of total number of skills (kite flying skills) which will be agreed by the jury and then will be included as a part of this sport.
- Kite will be prepared by the participant sportsperson.
- As for as possible kite should be made of recycled material (newspaper waste etc.) and give eco-friendly message.
- The sportsperson should fly the kite alone without the help of anyone.
- In case of any confusion regarding rules the decision of jury will be final.
- The length of the thread of the flying kite should be minimum of 300 meters from the hand up to the kite. This length should be fixed before starting the sport. This distance should be maintained throughout the skill show.
- The thread should be a normal cotton thread without any sharp coating. It should not be made of any other material. Care should be taken that it should not hurt any bird etc. It means the thread should not be harmful for any one.
- When kite will reach at a distance of 300 meters the show of kite flying skills will start.
- The skills will include the clockwise and anticlockwise turns, ten each.
- The kite will go up straight and then will go down straight.
- The kite will travel straight in right direction and in the same way in left direction.
- The kite should show uncontrolled behaviour for a few seconds.
- The kite should stand still in the same position for some time.
- While flying the thread of the kite should touch a particular object from upside and then from downside. This object may be a horizontal smooth stick attached to a vertical pole.
- Kite should reach nearer to ground without touching the ground.
- The position of the kite should be vertically above the head of the kite flyer at one moment.
- In this way number of new skill challenges may be added.
- The kite should be brought back down within a least possible time period. The kite should start flying (Start) from the hands of the kite flyer and should come back again in the hands of the kite flyer (End). It should not drop down on the floor. The total time between start and end will be recorded as the time score of that particular participant.
- If participant do not complete a particular task in between then the points for that task will be considered as POINT FOULS. Total point fouls will be calculated. These point fouls will be taken into consideration while declaring the winner. These point fouls should be minimum or there should not be any foul.
- The participants will perform all these tasks and their time will be recorded. The participant who will complete the entire skill task in minimum time will be considered as winner.
- In case any two or more participants complete the task within the same time period then it will be tie. In this situation these players will play another round which will facilitate to decide the winner. For such rounds more skillful challenges may be introduced.
- Open space and clear ground is the requirement.
Shripad Krishnarao Vaidya has up till now invented total 13 new sports including the following:
Ballpather, Bouncerbask, Disha, Khogoska, Luckchase, Masedeball, One in ten, Silejum, Spekthow, Three in one race.
Related Pages
- Shripad Krishnarao Vaidya has also invented other new sports such as: Luckchase, Disha, Khogoska, Spekthow.
- See other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports
