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Entries Tagged as 'Golf'

Tiger Woods Car Accident

November 27th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Golf

The news is only just coming through about Tiger Woods‘ car accident, where he backed into a fire hydrant and then ran into a neighbor’s tree. Of course, these things happen every day, but not usually to the world’s best sportsperson. Maybe he should have used a driver (golf drive, get it?). The police were quick to say that alcohol was not involved. So what was it? The initial reports had him in a serious condition, but later being released from hospital being ‘fine’ with minor face lacerations.

Tiger Woods Golfer

As the media do not seem to really know, I am going to say what I think happened. His wife who recently had a baby was awake with a crying baby in the middle of the night, woke Tiger asking him to rush down the street for some more milk. In his half-awake confused condition, he thought he was still in Australia and started driving down the wrong side of the road. He was so focused on his goal, that he failed to notice a fire hydrant and tree in his way. Of course, a more correct version of events will come out in due course.

Related Pages: golf, Tiger Woods profile

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Longest Golf Course Across Australian Outback

July 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on Longest Golf Course Across Australian Outback · Golf

The world’s longest golf course is currently being built in the middle of the Australia’s Outback. The course will stretch along 1365km. However, you will not have to hit a ball that far, as there are some big hikes between holes. The course, called ‘Nullarbor Links’, comprises 18 holes located between Ceduna in South Australia and Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. Each hole is composed of an artificial grass tee and green, separated by a rugged outback fairway. The unique course is predicted to be a hit with tourists from far and wide, with a chance to experience “the real Australia”.

Related Pages: golf


Drug Tests for Golfers

August 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Drug Tests for Golfers · Golf, Sports Medicine

Can golfers benefit from taking illicit drugs? One the surface many people would not believe that it could make much difference. Golf is a game of skill, and by the look of many golfers physical fitness is not a great factor. However, Tiger Woods, the best golfer at the moment and maybe the best ever, has led the way with his high level of fitness. Many young players may see that by artificially increasing their own fitness some of the riches of golf may be available to them.

There are a few areas in which some artificial enhancement could have an effect. Anabolic steroids can provide an advantage by increasing muscle strength. The stronger you are, the more acceleration you can generate in your swing and the further you can hit the ball. When you reach the putting green, another substance could be of assistance. Beta blockers can help the player relax or reduce tremors, and enable more control with your putting.

There has been talk of instigating drug testing for elite golfers. They should stop talking about it and do it now, as most major sports of the world already do. There does not need to be a major scandal for them to take action, which will only harm the sport. Putting a testing procedure in place will show the world that they are serious about the problem of drugs in sport, and show that all sports not immune to it.

Related Pages: golf, doping in sports, Tiger Woods profile


Federer versus Woods

July 28th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Golf, Golf Majors, Grand Slam Tennis, Tennis

Roger Federer is the current undisputed champion of tennis, and Tiger Woods is the undisputed champion of golf. Although they could never go head to head, comparing their stats and their impact on their respective sports and the world of sport, who do you think is the greatest? It is a debate that is difficult to win, but interesting to have nonetheless. Roger Federer has just won another grand slam title, making it 11 grand slam singles titles. Tiger Woods has equally dominated his sport, winning 13 Majors. Both have been labeled the greatest ever, but there can only be one! The greatest of the greatest?


In terms of fitness, Federer would win hands down, but that is not what this is about. They have both dominated their respective sport in recent years. There are good arguments on both sides about who may have the edge. My answer? I would give it to Woods, but only just. In the history of golf, it seems more difficult to win tournament after tournament as he has. They are still very close and I think that we will have to wait until they have each completed their careers before a clear winner may emerge.

Related Pages: golf, Tiger Woods profile, tennis, Roger Federer profile

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No Stopping the Tiger

July 24th, 2006 · No Comments · Golf, Golf Majors

It seems like it has been lean times for Tiger Woods recently, though he has now claimed another Major with his win in the British Open this week – making it his 11th Major in his relatively short golfing career. He must have at least ten more years at the top left in him.

At the end of his career, if he keeps his form, he will most certainly be the most successful golfer in history. It was an emotional win, his first big one since his father died. It was also a vintage Tiger win, leading into the final day as he has done many times before, and holding off all comers to finish solidly two strokes clear at 18 under.

Tiger Woods Sports Illustrated

Despite attempts to de-Tiger the PGA tour by changing the length of courses, he continues to win. What it shows is that a true champion will shine through anyway, no matter what you try to counter his dominance. At a time when the real Tigers of India are facing extinction, golfing’s Tiger can still be spotted on any Major golf course leading the pack.

Related Pages: golf, Golf Majors, British Open, Tiger Woods profile


Wie amongst the men?

July 17th, 2006 · No Comments · Golf

Young superstar golfer Michelle Wie failed again to make the cut at a PGA Tour event, this time pulling out during the second round of the John Deere Classic. She finished the first round at 6 over par, well above the projected cut line, then on the second day fell two strokes further behind before eventually voluntarily withdrawing after the 9th hole due to heat exhaustion. She has failed five times now to make the cut on the men’s Tour. Some say should shouldn’t even be there in the first place and should concentrate on the women’s tour. If she thinks she is good enough, why not? Are the men worried about losing their publicity or prize money?

Up to now she has not been good enough, but given time she should be able to pick up some money in these events. As with most skill based sports, it is possible for women to compete favorably with the men. In golf there is an element of fitness and strength as the men play from tees further from the green. Michelle Wie is able to compete with the men as she has a long drive. As with most sports, there is more prize money for the men, so I don’t blame her for trying to get some of that, though it is probably not the driving factor. As with all sports people, they want to be challenged and strive to be the best they can, and by playing with the men that is what Wie is trying to do. You go girl.

Related Pages: golf, Michelle Wie profile


Major win for Aussie

June 19th, 2006 · No Comments · Golf, Golf Majors

As I have written about recently, the US Open is being played in very tough conditions, testing out the mettle of the world’s top players. It all ended this morning Australia time, and it is not surprising to see a younger player, who may not be burdened with the huge pressures to perform, come out and overcome the difficult conditions and win the green jacket. And to boot, it was an Aussie too, Geoff Ogilvy.

Related Pages: golf, Golf Majors, US Open,


US Hackers – A Golf Story

June 17th, 2006 · No Comments · Golf, Golf Majors

It is amusing to hear about the difficulty the golfers are having scoring under par at the moment in the 106th US Open being held at Winged Foot, New York. Even the legend Tiger Woods struggled and missed the cut for the first time since he turned professional in 1996.

Should an above par score matter anyway? All the players have to play under the same conditions, and it is still the best player in those conditions that will win. A different and tough course would seem to be a better test of a golfer’s mental and physical ability to adapt to the conditions.

golfball hole

I guess they find it hard seeing their score above par at the end of the round, though I am sure that many of the viewers find it encouraging to see that the golfing millionaires are human too.

Related Pages: golf, Golf Majors, US Open, Tiger Woods profile


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