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Entries Tagged as 'Technology'

Review of the AS2 Pro Max: A Cyclist’s Handy Companion

June 11th, 2024 · Comments Off on Review of the AS2 Pro Max: A Cyclist’s Handy Companion · Cycling, Technology

I recently was given an AS2 Pro Max portable air pump from Cycplus to try out, and I just had to share my experience. It’s an electronic air pump, which can inflate a tire quickly and accurately to whatever pressure you set. I’m not a serious cyclist, just an occasional social rider and a lover of gadgets. This little gadget was a perfect fit for me. I did not even know that such devices existed! If you’re like me and value convenience and reliability on your rides, you’ll want to know all about this.

cycplus bike pump

First off, the AS2 Pro Max is compact and lightweight for such a device. It’s maybe a little heavier than a simple manual hand pump, but it more than makes up for that with speed, convenience, and pressure accuracy. It’s easy to toss it in my backpack without feeling like it’s weighing me down.

It’s a solid device that feels like it is built to last. It’s made from high-strength aluminum alloy, so it feels really sturdy and durable.

One of the best features of the AS2 Pro Max is its high-precision gauge. I’m kind of a stickler for tire pressure – it makes a big difference in how the bike handles, and as a social rider I don’t want to work harder than I need to. This pump has an LED screen that shows real-time air pressure, which is super handy. I used to guess and hope for the best, but now I can get my tires to the exact pressure I want every time. It also displays the battery life, so you’re never caught off guard with a dead pump. I’ve not used it for long enough to know how long a full charge lasts, but a single change has been good for quite a few trips so far. According to Cycplus, it supports over 200 inflation cycles on a single charge.


Speaking of charging, the AS2 Pro Max has a quick charging time of just one hour. Just to be safe it’s easy to stick it on charge while you’re getting your gear ready just to be sure, and it will be good to go in no time. Plus, it’s got both Presta and Schrader valve compatibility, which means I can use it on any bike, and be ready to give a hand to any riding companion.

It is a versatile device too. It comes with a ball valve adaptor, so I have used it for pumping up my football, and being able to inflate to the ideal pressure is perfect for that situation.

Overall, the AS2 Pro Max has been a fantastic addition to my cycling gear. It’s reliable, easy to use, and incredibly efficient. If you’re a cyclist who likes to be prepared for anything, I highly recommend giving it a try. It’s definitely earned a permanent spot in my riding kit. Happy cycling, everyone!

Disclaimer: This review is based on personal experience and observations. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, refer to the manufacturer’s specifications and other user reviews.


The Future of Rugby?

October 14th, 2015 · No Comments · Major Events, Rugby Union, Technology

The 2015 Rugby World Cup which is currently in progress has embraced technology with the use of the Hawk-Eye system to help the referee adjudicate decisions, as well as assist with player safety by identifying possible concussion instances and behind play incidents (see more about technology in sports).

Is this a step towards the possible futuristic rugby player? The team at bwin in their Alternative Guide to the 2015 Rugby World Cup came up with the following possible innovations that we may or may not see in Rugby World Cup competitions of the future. Some food for thought.

Some of these technologies are used in the tests discussed in The Future of Fitness Testing.

Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future
Rugby players of the future

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Is an AFL 10th Umpire needed?

September 18th, 2011 · Comments Off on Is an AFL 10th Umpire needed? · AFL, Technology, Umpires & Referees

I have previously discussed whether soccer should have a video referee and after being at an AFL game last night I believe there is a good argument for using video or other technology to adjudicate close goal-line decisions in AFL too.

Not far from me I saw two incidents where it was a close call whether the ball actually crossed the goal line, and from my position, the umpire did not seem to get it right. I have not had the opportunity to see a reply which was surely shown to the home viewers of the match.

Shot at Goal

If the TV viewers can get to see a slow-motion reply of such situations immediately after the fact, why can’t they refer close calls to an off-field umpire who can watch the same video and then refer their decision back to the field umpires? Rugby union has had such a system for a while now, and international cricket and tennis matches are also using a referral system. It is time for the AFL to join the other major sports.

There are already nine umpires on the field in AFL matches: three field umpires, four boundary umpires, and two goal umpires. There is an emergency umpire, who is the tenth. He is currently there as a possible replacement if needed, and is also responsible for monitoring behind-the-play incidents. It would not be too much to ask this umpire to also be responsible for reviewing the video replays when they arise. I have a personal reason for these views – last night my team the Blues lost by 3 points and are out of the finals, if only a video referee system was in place the result may have been different.

Related Pages: About AFLTechnology in Sports

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Cricket Referrals – the umpire is not always right

June 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on Cricket Referrals – the umpire is not always right · Cricket, Technology, Umpires & Referees

Cricket has joined some other sports to now have at Test level an umpire referral system. It was first trialed in 2008 (in a Test series between Sri Lanka and India). Unlike in tennis where the challenge and referral decision is clear cut using hawke-eye technology, the cricket referral is adjudicated by another umpire and is open to further errors. The actual way it works may change and develop, but when it was first brought in this is how it worked.


Players are allowed to challenge decisions made by the on-field umpires and have them referred to the TV official. For each innings of the Test, each team can challenge any decisions, though they will be limited to three unsuccessful challenges per innings. Only the batsman on the receiving end of the umpire’s original decision or the captain of the fielding side can appeal by making a “T” sign with both forearms at shoulder height. The third umpire uses the technology of the hot spot and slow motion replays at different angles to gain information and make decisions.

It all sounds great for the players and viewers at home, but the pressure is on the umpires. In reality, the process takes too long and can distract from the game. When there are challenges left near the end of an innings, players tend to make frivolous challenges on the off chance of getting a decision overturned. So there are still problems that need to be ironed out, but a great step forward for cricket.

Related Pages: About Cricket, Technology in Sports

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Should Soccer use a video referee?

June 17th, 2009 · 3 Comments · Football (Soccer), Technology, Umpires & Referees

One sport that has so far resisted the use of high-tech assistance is soccer (football). It is about time they got with the 20th century. They can’t avoid the power of the people and the power of the TV replays to upgrade their sports.


There are multiple ways that technology could help the refs. How about replays being used to adjudicate off-side decisions, whether a ball passes over the goal line, and to clarify penalty decisions? An off-field referee could communicate with the umpires on the field using wireless technology.


Make Your Own Beep Test

May 14th, 2009 · Comments Off on Make Your Own Beep Test · Fitness Testing, Technology

In the past you had the option of just playing the beep test on your cd player or mp3 player. There is now a computer software program which enables you to run the test right on your PC or Laptop, with a visual display, and record results directly onto your computer in real time. The Beep Test application provides real-time on-screen display of stage numbers, distance covered and VO2max. There are many additional useful features for a team — player buttons provide one click recording of results and team/season fitness results charts — making the fitness test easy to organize and carry out.

But that is not all – as well as running the standard Beep Test, the software allows the user to design their own test using a few simple commands in a script file. This can be useful for creating intermittent recovery type fitness tests (such as the yo-yo test) or combining an activity with fitness testing or conditioning. With the simple commands of Start, Run, Rest and Repeat, all types of beep type tests can be replicated. For added flexibility the lap distance and running speeds can also be adjusted for different sports and has even been adapted for swimming.

For more info see this page about the Team Beep Test Software.

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