Frittata is an easy to cook meal, for any time of the day. You can add whatever ingredients you like to this dish, making it a great meal to use up leftovers in the fridge when there is nothing else to eat! It is also super quick to prepare, meaning it can be great for the busy athlete lifestyle. Serve it with a salad on the side, rocket or spinach leaves on the top, especially if there are not many vegetables in it.
- 6 eggs
- 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
- 150g smoked salmon
- Handful of pinenuts
- ΒΌ red onion, finely sliced
- 200g pumpkin, cubed and boiled
- Parsley bunch, finely chopped

- Prepare all the ingredients
- Put some oil in a metal handed pan, and fry the onion for 2 minutes until soft.
- Slice or tear the salmon into small pieces
- Prepare egg mixture by beating eggs and cheese with a whisk or fork
- Add the cooked pumpkin cubes, parsley, and salmon to the pan
- Mix ingredients around and then pour the egg mixture on top
- When almost cooked, sprinkle the pinenuts on top, then place it under the grill to brown the top
- Cut into wedges to serve.
Cooking Classes
A cooking class is a great way to give athletes more confidence in the kitchen, teach some cooking skills and educate them a little along the way. See our guide to conducting a cooking class, with example menus which includes this recipe.
Related Pages
- How to Conduct a Cooking Class
- Example Menus for Cooking Classes
- More Athlete Recipes
- Recommended Cookbooks for Athletes
- About the Survival Cookbook series
- Resources for the Sports Dietitian