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Tom Flores' Beef Stewed with Olives

Tom Flores was professional football player and coach and player, later becoming a radio announcer. Flores was one of the athletes featured in The All-Star Athletes Cook Book from 1965. His recipe is reproduced here as an example of what may have been considered a meal fit for an athlete over 50 years ago. The book contains recipes presented by most of the famous, and many not so famous, athletes of the 1960s from all sports - baseball to car racing, football to golf, and everything in between.



  1. Brown beef on all sides in butter. Add salt, pepper, water, bay leaf, onion and red pepper. Cover tightly in Dutch oven and cook over slow fire for three to 3 1/2 hours.
  2. Rinse olives in cold water and add to meat. Continue simmering until meat is tender.
  3. Remove meat from pot. Thicken sauce with flour blended with a little cold water. Cook three to four minutes, stirring frequently.

This is excellent served with tomatoes with have been cut in half, sprinkled with salt, pepper and oregano, dotted with butter and placed under broiler for 15 minutes.

Serves 4 to 6.

Book Details

The All-Star Athletes Cook Book is by Oscar Fraley and David Huntley, cartoons by Willard Mullin. Publisher: New York Centaur House Hawthorn, First Edition 1965. Buy The All-Star Athletes Cook Book.

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