Here are some simple ideas to help you lose weight.

Eat Less
- You don’t keep up with the Joneses. Try taking one bite of food for every two your dining companion takes.
- To stop yourself from eating more, brush your teeth, floss, gargle, or chew a stick of gum immediately after your meal.
- When you throw food away, thoroughly bury it under more trash so there will be absolutely no question of you changing your mind.
- Chew sugarless gum while you prepare meals. It will keep you from tasting while you cook.
- Drink a glass of water before every meal. It’s a healthy way to quench your hunger as your stomach will feel fuller sooner.
Avoid Cravings
- Give yourself a manicure when a craving strikes, applying extra layers of slow-drying nail polish. It will keep your hands occupied and out of trouble until the craving fades.
- Take a shower or bath when a food craving strikes. It will relax you, and keep your whole body occupied and out of trouble (i.e., out of the kitchen!) until the craving fades.
- When a food craving strikes, make a call to a talkative friend. Even better, calll from a phone that is away from the kitchen, and stay on until the craving fades.
Eat Better
- Give your sandwiches a boost with lettuce, tomato, sprouts, cucumber slices, bell peppers, and other fresh veggies. Along with the bigger crunch, you’ll get a bigger sandwich with few additional calories and no extra fat.
- Have your teeth cleaned professionally and whitened. You won’t want to tarnish that gorgeous mouth with “bad” food.
Exercise More
- Work for your snacks. Before you eat a high-calorie snack, clean the bathroom or vacuum the house. Don’t eat until the faucets and sink are gleaming.
Motivate Yourself
- Tape a picture of your skinny self to the refrigerator for inspiration. Remind yourself what you can look like. Or alternatively, tape a picture of your fat self to the refrigerator for motivation and remind yourself what you don’t want to look like.
Related Pages
- Other weight loss strategies