The FIFA Fitness Tests for Referees includes interval tests part 1 and 2. The Dynamic yo-yo test is also sometimes used. For and Assistant Referees, there is the additional FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA), and the ARIET is also sometimes used.
Test Battery
FIFA Interval Test - Part 1: (also called the FIFA High-Intensity Fitness Test). The test involves 6 x 40m sprints followed by a maximum of 60-seconds recovery after each sprint.
FIFA Interval Test - Part 2: (also called the FIFA Fitness Interval Run Test) The test involves 75m run, 25m walk, 75m run, 25m walk... repeating this for up to 10 laps.
FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA): forwards and sideways running over 8-10 meters.

other tests: Prior to the 2010 World Cup (and probably since then), match officials also undertook a medical assessment. Among the tests were a blood test, an orthopedic examination, a resting EKG, an echocardiogram and a stress test.
Futsal and Beach Soccer Referees
As of 2016, the fitness tests for futsal referees and beach soccer referees consists of these three tests:
- 20m Speed Test — measures the referee's maximum speed over 20 meters.
- CODA Test — measuring change direction.
- ARIET (Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test) - an intermittent yo-yo type test involving forwards and sideways running.
Other Tests
Dynamic Yo-Yo Test — a modified yo-yo test designed specifically for football referees.
Related Pages
- fitness testing for sports officials
- Fitness Tests for field officials (umpires, referees)
- About fitness testing for soccer.
- Nutrition for Field Officials, Referees and Umpires
- Fitness testing for Navy, Army, Air Force, Fire Department, and general forces tests.