This is a simple test of lower body muscular strength and endurance, requiring the subject to hold a sitting position while leaning against a wall, on one leg, for as long as possible. There is the similar wall squat test performed with both legs on the ground.
test purpose: to measure the strength endurance of the lower body, particularly the quadriceps muscle group.
equipment required: flat non-slip floor, smooth wall and a stopwatch.
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Perform an appropriate warm-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.
procedure: Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart, with your back against a smooth vertical wall. Slowly slide your back down the wall to assume a position with both your knees and hips at a 90° angle. Move the feet position if required. The timing starts when one foot is lifted off the ground and is stopped when the subject cannot maintain the position and the foot is returned to the ground. After a period of rest, the other leg is tested.
scoring: the total time in seconds that the position was held for each leg is recorded. The table below gives a general guideline to expected scores for a single leg for adults, based on my personal experiences. Comparing the scores for each leg may indicate muscle weakness on one side.
Ratings for Single Leg Wall Sit Test
rating | males (seconds) | females (seconds) |
excellent | >100 | > 60 |
good | 75-100 | 45-60 |
average | 50-75 | 35-45 |
below average | 25-50 | 20-35 |
very poor | < 25 | < 20 |
comments: it is best to let the arms hang by your side, or crossed over your chest. The hands may not be used to assist holding the leg up or bracing against the wall.
advantages: This test requires minimal equipment and can be conducted with large groups all at once
variations / alternatives: there is a similar wall squat test performed with both legs on the ground. Some procedures position the lifted leg differently, such as requiring the leg to be held out straight, or placed on top of the support leg.
Similar Tests
- Wall Squat — hold a sitting position while leaning back against a wall.
- Single leg squat test — functional leg strength test in which participants squat down until about 60° knee flexion.
- 1RM Squat test
- Chair Stand — stand up repeatedly from a chair for 30 seconds
- Home squat test — perform as many squats as you can
Related Pages
- See other muscle strength fitness tests
- There's another wall test: the wall catch test
- This test is part of the Fit Test for the P90X Home Fitness Workout.

Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- Eddie Zhou (2017)
I can't tell if it feels like my legs are burning, or insanely cold. >_> - Sspelaa (2015)
7 minutes? Insane :) i can do 2 so far - Jo D (2013)
Are there variations/scoring changes for middle aged persons? - MissAthena (2013)
I'm not sure your data is correct.I am a young girl and I do not work out,but I am just averagely in shape and I can do a wall sit for 2 minutes. - Lewis skrrrrrrrrrrrt MissAthena (2013)
nothing to do with you're age! I am 18 and can do it for 7 minutes, it is simply how much you weigh compared to your quadriceps muscular endurance. - Skytdm lewis skrrrrrrrrrrrt (2020)
How the hell did u get 7mins? I'm 15 and I do swimming but I could barely hold on for much longer when I hit 2 mins 30s! - DatSkeleton lewis skrrrrrrrrrrrt (2015)
I'm 14 n I don't exercise AT ALL, I just eat,sleep,read books/manga, watch anime, your typical lazy person stuff and I can wall sit for 3 mins .-. - Steph lewis skrrrrrrrrrrrt (2014)
Just making sure I read this right. You are holding that single leg squat position for 7 minutes. That's huge muscular endurance!! - Alex Olivieri Steph (2018)
Most probably who is overperforming did not execute the protocol well. The most important is to keep a 90° angle in the knees. If you do not you can stay way longer - Bryan Pierre MissAthena (2014)
your probably doing it wrong then (feel the burn) - Steph MissAthena (2014)
One foot lifted off the ground and holding the squat for 2 minutes!!! Awesome. - Nurnadhirah Osman (2020)
can i know where did you get the norm? can i have the source? - Rob Admin Nurnadhirah Osman (2020)
it's written in the article:
"The table below gives a general guideline to expected scores for a single leg for adults, based on my personal experiences. " - RobbyTaylor (2016)
I gotta say either you people must have misread and are doing a 2 leg wall sit to achieve those times, or your form with 1 leg is horrible. Prove me wrong and post a video of a 3 minute + clean, *single* leg wall sit - Skytdm (2020)
Just did it and got 2 min 30s. God I thought it was easy until it hit the 1 min mark..... - Johnny (2018)
This says its a "Wall Sit Test" yet says that you lift one foot off the ground?
Is this a two legged or single leg wall sit?
I'd like to know what constitutes a good TWO Legged Wall Sit time. - Rob Admin Johnny (2018)
This is the procedure for a single-leg wall sit test. I have added a link to a description of a wall sit test in which both feet are left on the ground. - Natalie (2018)
Me and my crush did a wall sit comp and both laster over 30 minutes and we are 11 - Skytdm Natalie (2020)
Impossible.... - Patricia (2017)
7 1/2 good for a female?!? That really doesn't exercise like I should? - MON AMI LAFAYETTE (2017)
for school i did 3:30 so I'm better than a male and I'm 12 - Lauren Walker (2017)
14 yr old girl, 12 minute wall sit with 12 lbs weights on lap - Roo (2016)
I don't think it's to do with age I'm 13 and my record is 23 minuets - TheAmerican (2016)
I'm 13 and can do 2:30 - Dick (2016)
What? At the gym i can do 600 lbs leg press but i cannot do the wall sit above the 60 seconds. - Stephen dick (2017)
Very different things - Assisi Stephen (2017)
How so? Could you please explain? - Yamiloo (2016)
I am 13 and completed a 15minute wall sit yesterday. Even though I never work out. I had sprig radioman ensuring I did this correctly and I was quite shocked when I saw this table, as I know many others who can hold for that long too. - Claudia (2015)
Who developed the wall sit test?
&& When was it developed? - Ben (2014)
I agree with the test i actually tested a lady in the gym who weigh 65kg with her she did with both legs un suspended and i tell you it was difficult to achieve 90seconds. It's becomes easier when done wrongly. - Coachjsandr (2014)
the test isn't wrong, you are doing it wrong. knees and/or hips aren't at 90 degrees. must use one leg only. don't use your arms to hold yourself up or help in any way (don't put arms on your supporting knee) - Jim (2014)
this is wrong, ive been holding this position for 7 years - Jon (2014)
8.5 minutes - what is that? superhuman. I think the test it wrong - RaciallyAmbiguous (2013)
This test is awful, I'm 14 and I lasted over 120 seconds(2 minutes) easily - Em RaciallyAmbiguous (2014)
13 yr old girl, horse rider (eventer) I dont work out, 4 minutes each way.
Just had to drop that in