The single-leg squat test is a commonly used functional test of the hip and lower leg, and also has an element of balance.
test purpose: to measure the strength of the lower body, particularly the quadriceps and gluteal muscle groups, and the hip stabilizer muscles.
equipment required: none
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Perform an appropriate warm-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.
procedure: Stand on one leg while the other leg is lifted off the ground in front of the body so that the hip is flexed to approximately 45° and the knee of the non-stance leg flexed to approximately 90°. The arms are held straight out in front, with the hands clasped together. From this position, squat down until about 60° knee flexion, then return to the start position. Note the leg that was tested.
scoring: clinical observation usually involves assessment of knee and hip stability. In the single leg squat test which was once performed at NHL combine, each player must perform five successive repetitions on each leg, with each squat worth 15 points with a maximum score of 75 (per leg).
variations / alternatives: see also these other hip and thigh strength tests: wall sit test, chair stand and the home squat test. There is also some balance tests which require standing on one leg: the Flamingo Balance and Stork Stand Test
advantages: This test is simple to perform and requires minimal equipment.
- This functional test is popular in the rehabilitation fields, used when deciding whether to allow an athlete to return to play or advance further in a rehabilitation progression.
- This test has elements of the Trendelenburg test - a stationary single leg clinical test to evaluate hip-abduction strength.
- The one-legged squat strength exercise/test is also called "pistols".
- Livengood AL, DiMattia MA, Uhl TL. "Dynamic Trendelenburg": Single-Leg-Squat Test for Gluteus Medius Strength.Athletic Therapy Today. 2004;9(1):24-25.
- DiMattia MA, Livengood AL, Uhl TL, Mattacola CG, Malone TR . Validating The Single-Leg Squat Test As A Functional Test For Hip Abduction Strength. J Athl Train. 2004 Apr–Jun; 39(Suppl 2): S-81–S-119.
- DiMattia MA, Livengood AL, Uhl TL, Mattacola CG, Malone TR. What Are the Validity of the Single-Leg-Squat Test and Its Relationship to Hip-Abduction Strength? Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2005;14(2):108.
Similar Tests
- One-Leg Vertical Jump — jumping from one leg, landing on both.
- Single-Leg Wall Sit — hold a sitting position with the weight on one leg, while leaning back against a wall.
- 1RM Squat Test
- Chair Stand — stand up repeatedly from a chair for 30 seconds
- Home squat test — perform as many squats as you can
- Also some balance tests which require standing on one leg: the Flamingo Balance and Stork Stand Test
Related Pages
- Other muscle strength fitness tests
- This test is part of the Fit Test for the P90X Home Fitness Workout.
- See about the NHL combine