The Devine Formula is a popular equation for estimating ideal body weight using a height measurement only. It is just one of the many equations for calculating ideal body weight.
Dr B.J. Devine published the following formula in 1974. The Devine formulas were initially developed to set certain medication doses based on body weight and height. However, over time, their use has spread beyond their initial intended purpose. As with all calculations, it is an estimation only and should be used with caution. See also the similar Broca Index.
equipment required: stadiometer for measuring height.
procedure: the Devine Formula requires just a single measurement of height in inches. Put the height value in the formula below to estimate an ideal body weight.
Devine Formula Calculator!
Work out your ideal body weight using only your current height.
Metric Formula:
men: Ideal Body Weight (in kg) = 50 + 2.3 kg x (height - 60 inches)
women: Ideal Body Weight (in kg) = 45.5 + 2.3 kg x (height - 60 inches)
example: For example, a man six foot tall (72 inches) has an ideal weight of 50 + 2.3 x (72-12) which equals 77.6 kg. A five and a half foot tall (66 inches) woman ideally should weigh 59.3 kg (45.5 + 2.3x6).
variation: if you need the weight value in imperial units, then you can convert kg to lbs using this calculator, or the following adapted formula:
men: 110.23 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet.
women: 100.3 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet.
target population: these equations are suitable for the general population, and only applicable for people taller than 60 inches (5 foot).
advantages: this is a simple calculation from a single standard height measurement.
disadvantages: this is a general approximation which may not suit all populations.
other comments: the Devine formula is a commonly used formula on the internet, and is found on numerous pages that have an online calculator for determining ideal body weight.
reference: Devine, BJ. Gentamicin therapy. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1974;8:650–5.
Similar Tests
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Related Pages
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