The Fat Calculator Software is a very useful and easy to use software program (Windows only), designed for health professionals, researchers and students for easy estimation of body fat percent.
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The Fat Calculator software has been developed by Dr. Abbas Meamarbashi, and he has kindly made it available for free as a download from this site. It really is free, no ads, no obligations to buy anything. Please try it out and let us know what you think.
Software Details
- Calculate % body fat for males and females, using 2, 3, 4 and 7 measurement sites, using the formulas of Durnin, Jackson/Pollack and Slaughter / Lohman. It also calculates lean body mass and BMI.
- Graph Reports for saved data, which you can print or save as a image file.
- Monitor multiple participants and record results with the date of examination, and have the option of charting individuals or specific groups.
- Instruction Manual - Included with the software download is a Body Fat Caliper Instruction Manual, including diagrams of all the skinfold test sites, instructions for taking measurements and normative values for different sporting groups. See more instructions.
- Sorry, the software works only on a Windows PC.
Related Pages
- Other body composition software
- Fat Calculator Software Instructions
- Still need help? see the fat calculator FAQ
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- Also from Dr. Abbas Meamarbashi, an all-in-one strength dynamometer set.
- Description of all skinfold sites
- Skinfold measurement procedure
- Skinfold Test Results
- Videos of Skinfold Testing
- Skinfold caliper store