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Beep Test Standards

The beep test is used in many vocational fitness assessments, and reaching a certain level on the test may be a requirement to gain entry to a certain job, and may also need to be achieved on a regular basis as part of the job requirements.

Below are some of the known 'minimum' requirements for a range of vocations and sports teams from around the world. These standards may change, so please see official documentation for your exact up to date requirements. If you have any corrections or additional information, please let me know.

Table of Employment Standards

standard sex country employer notes
4 F Canada Military  
5/4 M/F UK Police This is the standard entry target score. For specializations you need a minimum of 8.2
6 M Canada Military  
6/1 F Australia (SA) Police This standard is for ages 18-29 years. The minimum standard reduces to 5.06 for 30-39, 4.09 for 40-49 and 4.01 for 50-59 year olds (from official website)
5/1 M/F Australia (Vic) Police This standard is for females aged 18-29 years. The minimum standard reduces to 5.06 for 30-39, 4.08 for 40-49 and 4.02 for 50-59 year olds (from, May 2010)
6/1 F Australia (WA) Police the minimum standard for new recuits dropped from 7/1 to 6/1 in 2021
6/1 M/F Australia Navy minimum standards for new recruits. except Navy Clearance Diver and Naval Reserve Divers 10.1
6/2 F Australia (TAS) Police females, all ages (from official Tasmania Police website)
6/3 F Australia (Qld) Police this is the minimum entry standard for females under 30. The standard is lower for 30-39 and lower still for 40+ ages (from official website, May 2010)
6/3 M/F UK Police This is the standard for riot trained (public order) and dog handlers (general entry is 5/4)
6/5 M/F Australia Air Force Officer the same minimum requirement for both males and females, all ages (from official website, May 2010). Except for Air Force Ground Defence Officer and Airfield Defence Guard, it is 7.5
7/1 M/F Australia (NSW) Police specialist units require far higher results (as of 2015). The standard rose from 5/1 to 7/1 in January 2014.
7/1 M Australia (WA) Police the minimum standard for new recuits dropped from 8/1 to 7/1 in 2021
7/3 F UK Royal Navy This is the RNFT bleep test minimum standard for U/25 year old females. The standard decreases with age: for ages 25-29 it is 6.07 then 6.02 (30-34 yrs), 5.05 (35-39 yrs), 4.09 (40-44 yrs) and 4.04 (45-50 yrs). (from, May 2010)
7/4 M Australia (NT) prison officers This is the standard for NT male prison officers between 18 and 30 years). The standard decreases with age: for ages 30-40 it is 6.7 then 5.4 (40-50 yrs).
7/5 M/F Australia Army the same minimum requirement for both males and females (from official website, May 2010). Except for Army Special Forces Direct Recruiting Scheme, it is 10.1
7/5 M/F Australia Air Force For Air Force Ground Defence Officer and Airfield Defence Guard. For General Air Force recruits it is 6.5
7/6 M/F UK Police This is the standard for authorised firearms officers (UK police general entry is 5/4)
7/8 M Australia (Qld) Police this is the minimum entry standard for males under 30. The standard is lower for 30-39 and lower still for 40+ ages (from official website, May 2010)
8/4   New Zealand Navy Divers (from, May 2010)
8/8 M Australia (TAS) Police This standard is for males under 30yrs. For those 31-39yrs the standard is level 8.4, and for 40yrs and over level 7.8. (from official Tasmania Police website)
9/4 M Australia (SA) Police This standard is for males aged 18-29 years. The minimum standard reduces to 8.02 for 30-39, 7.02 for 40-49 and 6.02 for 50-59 year olds (from official website)
9/4 M/F UK Police This is the standard for armed response vehicle officers (UK police general entry is 5/4)
9/10 M UK Royal Navy This is the RNFT bleep test minimum standard for U/25 year olds. The standard decreases with age: for ages 25-29 it is 9.03, then 8.07 (30-34 yrs), 8.01 (35-39 yrs), 7.06 (40-44 yrs) and 6.10 (45-50 yrs). (from, May 2010)
10/1 M/F Australia Navy (divers) for Navy Clearance Diver and Naval Reserve Diver. General Navy recruits it is 6.1
10/1 M/F Australia Army Special Forces (from, May 2010)
10/5 M/F UK Police This is the standard for specialist firearms officers. (UK police general entry is 5/4)


running the beep test togetherrunning the beep test together

Sports Beep Test Standards

These are some standards for a range of sports that have been mentioned online or in other media. Standards may change over time, and the minimum standard for one team may change over the course of the competitive season.

standard sex country team notes
9 F/M international Netball Umpires New Zealand standards require national standard netball umpire to be at 7-8 on the beep test. To get to international level you have to be at level 9 (reported in dompost website, May 2008).
9 F international Field Hockey Umpires this is the minimum for under 30s. 30-40 years min level 8, 40+ years min level 7.
10 M international Field Hockey Umpires this is the minimum for under 30s. 30-40 years min level 9, 40+ years min level 8.
10/8 M Australia (NSW) state Under 17 rugby union squad  
12/5   International Rugby referees standard set by International Rugby Board (IRB), reported in an article from, 2004 report).
13 M USA Rugby reported on, 'How Club 7s Guys Can Make the Eagles', Aug 2009
13/1 M Singapore Singapore professional football league (S-League) All players are required to reach this level before clubs are allowed to register them to play the 2010 season. (taken from theprotectorsblog, Jan 2010)
14 M Australia (WA) Perth Glory soccer team players must exceed this level, reported in The Sunday Times, Jan 10, 2010.
14 M Malaysia Malaysia Hockey League (MHL) players must reach this level to play in the league
14/5 M Australia (WA) West Coast Eagles (AFL) players need to exceed this level, quoted in The Sunday Times, Jan 10, 2010.

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The 20m Beep Test (male & female voices) + Training Levels + 'Beeps Only' track + Excel Spreadsheet + eBook Guide (PARQ, consent form, test recording sheet, warm-up, tips, norms + much more!)

beep test package

The ultimate beep test package, including two versions of the beep test audio file (male and female voice), an audio track with only the beeps (no voices), 8 audio tracks for training at specific test levels, an Excel spreadsheet with an offline calculator and tables for recording, analyzing and presenting results, a 12-page eBook beep test guide which includes a PARQ, informed consent form, and test recording sheet plus much more. All these files are available individually for $5 each, or even better get them all for $10. Check out the details.

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