Most national coaching bodies run or accredit courses that can be undertaken to give you coaching skills and knowledge. These courses usually follow a level system, from junior introductory coaching to top level elite coaching qualifications. They also advance from generic basic coaching to sport specific courses.
It is also possible to gain qualifications from university level courses in sports coaching, as well as exercise physiology, psychology and biomechanics, which can only enhance your coaching knowledge. See also Courses in Physical Education.
Here are just a few examples of the courses available around the world, if you have details of a course you think should be listed or updated information, please let me know.
Australia - Victoria
- Sport and Recreation (TAFE) through Victoria University. There are a range of training options - from Certificate 4 to Diploma level - in Sport and Recreation and Sport Development for people wanting a career in coaching, officiating, or other levels in the Sport and Recreation industry. The courses include Certificate IV in Sport, Diploma of Sport, Certificates in Sport and Recreation, Diploma of Sport and Recreation, Graduate Certificate in Career Counseling for Elite Athletes
Related Pages
- Sports Coaching Careers
- More Sports Courses
- More about Sports Coaching
- Careers in Sport