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Fitness for Golf

There are certain fitness requirements that enable a golfer to perform to their maximum ability. For example, the success of Tiger Woods and previously Greg Norman has been partially attributed to their superior physical fitness. There is enough evidence to suggest that fitness testing of golfers is warranted. What areas of fitness are important, and what should you test? Check out Fitness Components for Golf to see what physical attributes are important for success in golf, and below we discuss these with some example fitness tests you can use..

Fitness Tests for Golf

Fitness plays a small though important part in the success of a golfer. There are several components of fitness that are important for success for the golfer. Just being healthy is important to be able to play golf over a long period of time. Flexibility and power are also very important, as well as an adequate level of aerobic fitness would be advantageous. Further information and discussions on the components of fitness relevant to the sport of golf can be found here.

Aerobic Fitness

Aerobic fitness is an important component of fitness for golf, so that players can reduce the effect of fatigue during tournament play that can last over several long days. As most golfers would be accustomed to high-intensity exercise, it may be suitable to use a sub-maximal test of aerobic fitness, such as a cycle test (Astrand test, Trilevel, PWC170), or the Cooper 12 minute run. You can find information on the large range of aerobic tests from here.


The flexibility tests should be specific to the actions of golf. The sit and reach test can be conducted for lower back and hamstring flexibility. See the other flexibility tests that can be used to test areas of the body relevant to golf.

golf swinger it is important to be flexible

Strength and Power

Strength and power tests should be conducted to determine initial levels and to monitor strength changes in conjunction with training programs. Maximal strength tests for both the upper and lower body should be conducted, using muscle groups that are important for golf. A handgrip strength test is also appropriate.

Body Fat

Excess body fat can affect the golfer's ability to move freely in the swinging action, and also increase fatigue when walking the course. See more about anthropometry & golf. Although just monitoring body weight can be used to look at changes in fat stores, you can get more accurate results using skinfold measures to determine body fat levels.

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More Golf

Golf is a popular recreational game around the world. There are many ways to play golf. It is played by legends of the sport at the Olympics and the Majors. You can use Psychology, Physics, Technology, and Equipment to improve your game. Fitness and Fitness Testing can fine-tune your performance, Nutrition to fine-tune your body.

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