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Sports Nutrition Newsletter #3
Hi and welcome to this third Topend Sports nutrition update, and thanks for still being part of this journey. It has been great watching the Olympics in the last few weeks, and cheering on some athletes I have worked with in the past. Now it is the para-athletes time to shine.
Every elite athlete has unique challenges and ultimate goals that they want to achieve, and Paralympic athletes are no different. In fact, they often have so many more hurdles to jump over.
Many of the challenges that the athletes will face are nutritional, and just like with able-bodied Olympic athletes, there is quite a bit a dietitian or nutritionist needs to consider.
Above and beyond the typical sports nutrition considerations for athletes, with para-athletes, a dietitian needs to consider the nature of each individuals disability and look at what extra challenges they face.
Just some of these considerations are:
- Medical conditions and medications may affect the absorption of food and nutrients, and therefore micronutrient and macronutrient intake.
- Lack of sweating mechanisms in paraplegics can alter hydration needs.
Different energy consumption when in a wheelchair.
- Less body surface and muscle mass with amputees can alter temperature regulation and hydration status.
- Body composition assessment and goals may need to be adapted for each individual.
- Practical issues like food accessibility, kitchen adaptations and cooking skills.
The Latest Sports Nutrition Articles
There is still lots of new content being added regularly to the Topend Sports website, like these ...
- The History of Fueling Olympic Marathon Runners
- Fuel for Exercise: Nutritional Considerations for Your Next Event
- Weight Loss Tips for Athletes [Do's and Don'ts]
- Monitoring Weight using Bioelectrical Impedance
Related Pages
- Sign-up for the Sports Nutrition Newsetter
- Resources for the Sports Dietitian
- Nutrition for Disabled Athletes
- Sports Nutrition Home
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