Sports medicine professionals are vital in maintaining any athlete near the top of their sport - from returning quickly back to the field after any injury, to preventing injuries from occurring in the first place.

Latest Pages
- Exercise & Intelligence [Jan '25]
- Doping Evolution [Dec '24]
- Hair Loss and Athletes [Oct '24]
- The Role of Radiology in Sports Science [Sep '24]
- The Science of Sunglasses [Aug '24]
- The Key To Healthy Feet [Jul '24]
- Medicine for Weight Loss [Jun '24]
- Sunglasses for Sports [Jun '24]
- Sports Bras Guide [Jun '24]
- Sports Medicine and Clothing [Jun '24]
As with anything in life, things will not always go to plan. These are just a few areas which you need to be aware of, to make your exercise experience more enjoyable.
- Comprehensive stretching information, including an illustrated list of stretches.
- Sporting Injuries — including information on foot injuries, muscle cramps, What is a 'stitch'? and a guide for concussion. There's also information about Injury Treatment and Prevention.
- Exercise in the extremes: Exercise in the heat — the effects on your body of exercising or working in hot and humid conditions, and the potential dangers to your health. Also Winter Weather Workouts, a guide to exercising in the cold weather.
- Recovery — discussion and description of methods to improve recovery after exercise
- Are you unfit, or is it asthma? This article discusses the common ailment of exercise induced asthma (EIA).
- Monitoring the athlete: keeping checks on being healthy and safe.
- Healthy Sports Clothing : designed with sports medicine principles to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and aid in recovery. Sunglasses, underwear and more.
- Exercise physiology: energy systems and muscle fatigue
If you have any concerns about your ability to do exercise, if you have not done any exercise for a while, and you are over 35 years of age, please see a medical practitioner before starting exercise. See the Disclaimer.
Related Pages
- Read the Sports Medicine entries on the sporting blog.
- Medicine and Sports — why people with a medical education are more effective in sports
- The health pages — diet and exercise to keep you healthy