All officials selected for Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) sanctioned events are required to undertake physical tests. The following information was from the document OFFICIATING FITNESS TEST PROTOCOL 2018, published by the FIL.
Test Battery
The testing covers the main fitness components of endurance, speed and agility. Three tests are done in the following order:
- Sprint Recovery Test (6 x 30m) — six 30m sprints, with each sprint starting at 20-second intervals. The target is to run the 6 x 30m sprints in a total time under 32 seconds.
- 5-10-5 (20m) Agility Test — participants run 5 meters to one side, 10 meters back the other way, finishing with 5 meters back to the start line. The target is under 6 seconds.
- Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Test (level 1) — repeated 2x20m shuttle runs, increasing in speed, with 5 seconds recovery between each run. The target score is at least 1200m (30 x 40m).
Related Pages
- About the sport of Lacrosse
- Fitness testing for sports officials
- Fitness testing for Navy, Army, Air Force, Fire Department, and general forces tests.