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Andersen Test

The Andersen test (Andersen et al. 2008) is a simple aerobic fitness test, with similarities to the beep test. The aim of this test is to cover the most distance possible, running for 15 seconds, then resting for 15 seconds, and repeating this for 10 minutes. The participants run up and down a 20m course.

test purpose: this test measures aerobic fitness

equipment required: stopwatch, tape measure, whistle, marker cones. You also need a helper to count and record the result.

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Measure and mark out the course. Ensure that the participants are adequately warmed-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: mark out the track of 2 parallel lines 20m apart. The test involves running (or walking) back and forth along the track as fast as you can. You must alternately run for 15 seconds, then pause for 15 seconds - a total of 20 intervals (an interval consists of 15-second run + 15-second pause). The helper whistles or calls out each 15 second period to indicate when to start and stop running. After each 15-second period of work, the participants stop as fast as possible and take a few steps back to where they were when the stop signal was made. The participants must touch the ground with their hand when turning at each end of the 20m course. At the end of 10 minutes, calculate the total distance covered.

scoring: When the test is finished, you can calculate a fitness rating the following equation (where Male = 0 Female = 1), then check your fitness in the table below, using ratings for men and women.

Rating Score = 18.38 + (0.03301 x running distance in meters) minus (5.92 x gender).

Men 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 50-65 years
Poor < 39 < 35 < 31 < 26
Below Average 39-43 35-39 31-35 26-31
Average 44-51 40-47 36-43 32-39
Good 52-56 48-51 44-47 40-43
Very good > 57 > 52 > 48 > 44
Women 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 50-65 years
Poor < 29 < 28 < 26 < 22
Below Average 29-34 28-33 26-31 22-28
Average 35-43 34-41 32-40 29-36
Good 44-48 42-47 41-45 37-41
Very good > 49 > 48 > 46 > 42


disadvantages: good pacing is required to ensure a representative score, and performance on this test can be affected greatly by motivation.


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