It is important for athletes to come to a fitness testing session well-prepared and ready to perform. Here is an information sheet to provide to athletes prior to a fitness testing session, about what to do and what not to do. You can download a word document with the information, and make any changes you wish.
Information Sheet Contents
In addition to the fitness test results, the following information should also be recorded with every testing session:
- What is fitness testing?
- The purpose of fitness testing
- What to do prior to the testing session
- Can I exercise beforehand?
- Can I eat beforehand?
- What if I don't feel well?
- The testing session
- What do I have to do?
- What should I wear?
- Should I bring anything?
To get your free download of the information sheet, just enter your details below. The form is a word document which can be edited to suit your particular situation - items may be removed or added. You will also receive the "Fitness Testing Recording Sheet".
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Feel free to modify the information sheet as you wish, though it would be appreciated if you leave the details about the source of the document and leave the link to this website in the footer. Thanks.
Fitness Testing Guide
Download your free copy of the Topend Sports' Fitness Testing Guide — a guide for you to plan, conduct, analyze and interpret fitness testing of athletes.
Related Pages
- Blank standard fitness test recording sheet for writing down fitness testing conditions and results.
- Guidelines for Physically Preparing for Testing
- Warm ups for fitness testing
- Measuring Environmental Conditions when conducting fitness testing.
- Example fitness test protocols
- Guide to Conducting Fitness Tests