Although fitness is very important for many sports, it is skill that really defines how good someone is at their sport. Usually skill elements are removed from fitness tests in an attempt to measure just the fitness component, though this is sometimes a difficult task. In many sport specific fitness tests, there is some element of skill or technique to make the test more relevant to the sport, so the assessment is a combination of skill, technique and fitness.
Fitness Tests Incorporationg Skill Elements
- Ice-Skating Multistage Aerobic Test (SMAT) — a beep like aerovic test on skates. The test differs from the standard beep test in that it is conducted on ice and uses a 2:1 work to rest ratio
- Footeval — a football (soccer) specific fitness test with one minute intervals incorpoarting ball dribbling.
Tests of (Mainly) Sporting Skill
- See Coaching Skill for a list of sport specific skill tests.
Related Pages
- sport specific fitness testing
- Coaching Skill List of Tests