The slimguide style caliper is the most widely used body fat caliper around the world
Studies have shown the Slim Guide caliper to be highly reliable, have a similar jaw pressure as the more expensive Harpenden Caliper, and produce almost identical readings (Schmidt & Carter 1990, Anderson & Ross, 1986). Consequently, the Slim Guide caliper is very widely used in research and by professionals around the world. The slim guide is an affordable alternative to the Harpenden and other more expensive options, and with comparable results.
Slim Guide Features
- Calibrated jaw width can measure up to 80mm, suitable for larger non-athletic populations where this may be required.
- Can be read to the nearest 0.5 mm.
- Easy to use pistol grip trigger.
- Dual springs for consistent measurements.
- Comes with an informative 20 page instruction manual, "How to Measure Your % Body Fat"
- Made of durable ABS plastic, weight 200 grams (0.5 lbs), dimensions 28x25cm (11x10 inches)
Instruction Booklet Included
The Slim Guide body fat caliper comes with a handy 20 page booklet, "How to Measure Your % Body Fat" - an instruction manual for measuring % body fat using skinfold calipers. The book includes all the information you need to do skinfold measurements, including:
- Discussion and description of the techniques for measuring body fat.
- Diagrams and descriptions of common skinfold measurement sites.
- Formula and charts for calculating % body fat.
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- Schmidt PK, Carter JE., (1990) Static and dynamic differences among five types of skinfold calipers. Hum Biol.; 62(3):369-88.
- Anderson, N.R. and Ross, W. (1986) Reliability and objectivity in skinfold-caliper and ultrasound measurement of skin and adipose tissue thickness at six sites. In: Kinanthropometry III. Eds: Reilly, T., Watkins, J. and Borms, J. London: E. & F.N. Spon. 15-20.
Related Pages
- See more in the Topend Sports Online Store
- There is a similarly designed Pooya Caliper.
- Guide to Skinfold Calipers
- Take the poll about what caliper do you use, and see which one is more popular?
- Guide to Caliper Calibration
- Description of skinfold sites using the standard Skinfold measurement procedure
- About body composition tests and Anthropometry Measurements
- Videos of Anthropometric Tests including Skinfold Testing.
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