In the cadence push up test (also called the push-up beep test), athletes are required to perform push-ups at a rate of 25 push-ups a minute, for as long as they can.
Here is some information about different products that can be used to perform the push-up cadence test.
- Online Metronome — we have created an online push-up metronome where you can adjust the pace.
- Traditional Metronome — if you have access to a traditional metronome used in music practice you can set it to the required rate.
- Stopwatch — an assistant can use a stopwatch to time and call out when each push up should be performed.
- Audio file — There is a mp3 download available to purchase. The recording is at a cadence of 20 push-ups per minute (1 push-up every 3 seconds). The Bleep Press-up Cadence is a mp3 download from
- Team Bleep Test Software — Make Your Own. You could also make your own beep recording using the Team Bleep Test Software. You can also customize the software to run many other beep-type tests too.
- The PACER test cd includes the FitnessGram push-up test cadence audio track, at the rate of 20 per minute.
Related Pages
- More Digital Fitness Test Downloads
- See the Beep Press-Up Cadence Track in the Online Store.
- There is another Press-Up Beep Test, but at a different cadence.
- Aerobic test cds in the online store.
- Buy the 20m running beep test
- Links to other fitness testing products