Softball is a team sport played by both males and females, though it is considered by many to be a female sport. It is a direct descendant of the predominantly male sport of baseball, and the rules of both sports remain quite similar.
Latest Pages
- Softball Equipment [Jun '22]
- Baseball vs. Softball [Jun '22]
- What is it called? [Jun '20]
- Warming Up for Softball [Aug '18]
- Fitness Components for Softball [Jul '18]
- What does it take to be a successful softball player? [Aug '10]
- Fitness components for softball [Apr '10]
- SPARQ Testing for Softball [Jan 08]
- Softball Bookstore updated [Feb 07]
- About fitness testing for softball.
There are three general forms of softball: slow pitch, modified pitch and fast pitch.
Softball is a sport in which skill plays a significant part, however a high level of fitness is required to perform at the elite level.
- About Fitness Testing and Fitness Components for softball.
- Warming Up for Softball
- Softball Equipment
- Softball Books for sale.
- What is softball called in other languages?
- Baseball vs. Softball — a discussion of their differences and similarities.
Related Pages
- Did you know that softball is a sport at the Olympic Games?
- Softball Polls
- Summary of the Sport of Softball — what is fast and slow pitch?