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Joggling - Juggling & Jogging

It is easy to see where they got the name for the sport of joggling - a combination of juggling and jogging. The rules for the sport are simple too - the competitors must maintain a juggling pattern whilst running, and if an object is dropped, the joggler must return and continue from the point where the object fell. See video examples of the sport of joggling.

Bjuggling and runningjuggling and running

Owen Morse was one of the early experts, and still holds the Guinness World Record for 100 meters while juggling 5 balls, in 13.8 seconds set in 1988. There are records for joggling events right up to a 50 mile ultramarathon, covered in 8 hours and 23 minutes by Perry Romanowski in 2007. The current world best time for a joggling marathon is 2:50:09, achieved by Canadian Michal Kapral in September, 2000.

In another twist to sport, In 2012, Joe Salter set a record for the fastest triathlon while juggling. He completed the juggling triathlon in one hour, 57 minutes. He swam 0.25 miles while juggling three balls, rode 16.2 miles on a bike while juggling two balls in one hand and then completed a 4-mile run while juggling three balls. While he was swimming he wasn't actually joggling - he was swuggling. And on the bike he was buggling!

There is an annual Joggling World Championships, first held in 1980. The current program of events include races between 100 meters to 5 kilometers, as well as relay races. In the relay races, teammates pass one ball to the next relay runner (who holds two balls) in the handoff zone.

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