If you’ve ever dealt with sleep issues, you know how debilitating it can get, and if you’re on the verge of taking out that Ambien, consider contemplating a totally easy, natural solution: the GABA (Gamma-amino-butyric acid), it’s your bodies very own anxiolytic compound and the quickest most effective method to answer the “How to increase GABA?” query you’re presumably asking right now.

The Importance of Sleep
Your Body is quite the beauty! It has the means to restore all of your bodily flaws naturally, and sleep is one of those means. It maintains & heals the physique, restores muscle tissue and, and additionally regulates those brain chemicals. On the flip side, the lack of sleep can result in so many other modern-day diseases and mood disorders.
Understanding GABA and Its Role in Sleep
GABA is one of the primary neurotransmitters that establish the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. This is the neurotransmitter that connects to the GABA-receptor sites in the brain. This creates an inhibition of excessive neuronal excitability in the brain, and thus, sleep. That just means that inhibiting this excitability makes it easier to get sleep and stay asleep.
How to Naturally Increase GABA for Better Sleep
1. Eat GABA-rich foods
Some foods already contain GABA or help the body to synthesize it. Some good sources include: Fermented stuff like Kombucha, your favorite green tea, the tomatoes in your refrigerator, seeds, and your oh-so-healthy whole grains.
2. Take GABA supplements
If the food sources are not quite doing the trick, then go for GABA supplements. No need to go overboard here. Typically, your body can only take about 100-600 mg per day right before sleep. Start with a smaller dosage to begin with and you can increase them as you feel necessary.
3. Try GABA-enhancing herbs and nutrients
Apart from GABA itself, there are a lot of other natural components that increase the amount of GABA acting in your brain. They are L-theanine, Magnesium, Glycine, the famous Ashwagandha, and all the rage Valerian root.
4. Limit caffeine and alcohol
These two beloved drinks have the unwelcome effect of affecting GABA over time. So put down the coffee and pick up matcha instead and keep those nightcaps to a minimum.
5. Practice stress management
Stress will have your brain working overtime, stopping you from sleeping and not allowing GABA to do its job. So stop, take a breath, and find ways to calm your mind like say yoga or heck therapy!
6. Optimize your sleep environment
Here is a rule to live by: No gadgets in the bedroom as they are not conducive to a sleep environment. Have a diffuser that is blowing something soothing like chamomile or lavender. Throw in some white noise if that is your thing. Give GABA its best chance to do its job
Final Thoughts
So before reaching for medication, find ways to help your body do what it was meant to. And allow GABA to do its job!
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