Here is a list of educational institutions in UK, with faculties and departments, offering undergraduate and graduate courses in the sport sciences.
- Birmingham - School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Birmingham UK - undergraduate degrees in Sport and Exercise Sciences and Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science.
- Brighton - Sport and Exercise Science, School of Sport and Service Management, University of Brighton - graduates in Sport and Exercise Science Sport and Exercise Science with PE or Nutrition Sport Science or Exercise and Health Science.
- Cambridge - Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK - runs a course in Sport and Exercise Sciences covering areas of Sport Science, Sports Coaching and Physical Education and Coaching for Performance Football (Distance Learning).
- Chester - Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Chester, UK.
- Devon - Department of Sport and Health Sciences, The University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, UK. - BSc in Exercise and Sport Sciences.
- Durham - Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University, Durham, England.
- Edinburgh - Moray House School of Education, College of Humanities and Social Science, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK - degrees in Applied Sports Science.
- Glasgow - Physiology & Sports Science, School of Life Sciences, University of Glasgow.
- Greater Manchester - University of Bolton, Bolton - BSc in Sport & Exercise Science, Sports Science & Coaching.
- Kent - School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, England. BSc available in Sport and Exercise Sciences.
- Leeds - Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences (CSES), University of Leeds, United Kingdom - The Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences (CSES) is located within the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Leeds, UK.
- Leeds - Carnegie School of Sport, offering many sport science degrees including Sport and Exercise Science, plus post-gaduate courses, at Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.
- Liverpool - School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom - The School is at the forefront of development and innovation in sport and exercise sciences and is recognized as a world-leading department in the area.
- London - Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom - offers undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in a range of sport and exercise related disciplines.
- London - Bachelor of Sports Science, University of Greenwich. Also available as an extended degree with an extra foundation year for those not reaching entry standards.
- Loughborough - School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, United Kingdom - the UK's leading university in the area of sport related research.
- Newcastle - Sport and Exercise Science, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK - degrees in Sport and Exercise Science, Exercise Biomedicine
- Newcastle - Department of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK - covers the fields of sport & exercise science, strength & conditioning, exercise behaviour, physiology, and sport marketing, management & coaching.
- Portsmouth - Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Portsmouth.
- Plymouth - Faculty of Sport & Health Sciences, University of St Mark & St John, Plymouth, UK - undergraduate degrees in Sport and Exercise Science, Sport Coaching and Sport Development.
- Somerset - Sport and Exercise Science, University of Bath, Bath, North East Somerset, United Kingdom
- Staffordshire - Sport and Exercise Science, School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise. Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire.
- Surrey - Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK
- Wales - School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales - a range of undergraduate courses such as Sport Science, Sport, Health and Exercise Science, Sport, Health and Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Psychology.
- Wales - Sport and Exercise Science, Swansea University, Wales - offers BSc in Sports Science
- Worcester - Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Worcester, undergraduate and post-graduate courses.
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- list of sport science fields of study
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