The new sport of Hand Tennis was created by Benjamin Alexander, Joel, Jeslin and Asher, from Chennai, India. It is a game combining tennis and volleyball.
Equipment Required:
- Hand pad
- Big bouncy ball, which is size of a volley ball, color pink
- 2 foot on the two ends just like a tennis court. It is basically like a tennis court but there would not be nets only a dividing line. Width must be 10 foot distance.
- Court must be brown color. 15 foot distance should be there on each side from the dividing line.
Sport Description
- The ball must be struck with a hand pad towards the other end.
- The person on the other side can strike only after it is bounced. It it is not bounced and hit directly then opponent gets a point.
- just like badminton there should be 3 sets. The person who wins 2 sets is a winner.
- To win a set 10 point are required. i.e. the person who scores 10 points first is a winner of that set.
- The remaining rules are same as volleyball rules like if it goes out Etc.
- Service can be done only from outside the court just like volleyball.
- Service can be made diagonally only.
- no legs or head is allowed for scoring if it is used opponent gets a point.
Related Pages
- A similar named new sport of Ultimate Hand Team Tennis, and American Hand Tennis
- Other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports