I get many submissions from people who have created new sports, and want to tell the world about it, but not all of them have enough detail to warrant an individual page. The submitted sports should have enough details so others can understand how to play it and try it themselves.
Below are some of the new sports that have been submitted which do not have enough details to have their own page, unlike this list of new sports. If you have a new sport to tell us about, go and submit a sport. If you wish to submit more details for one of the sports below, you can send the details the same way.
New Sports (Brief)
- Triforce: You push your opponets out of a triangle. The last one standing wins in a game of 3 people. You can not kick, hit, or bite. If someone commits an offense or 2 people goes out of bounds at the same time the person who committed the offense will have the victim placed behind them with the victim's hands placed on the offender's waist in a corner of the triangle. Another rule is you can't go out of bounds on purpose. Equipment Required: Something to mark a triangle as big as you want to make it. (created by Joey Hirt and his friends from America in 2020)
- Jubabol: two teams of 7 players each are in the area with a cone in each area inverted, looking like an ice cream cone. There is a ball the team has to go through all the team members to shoot, and the team member tries to catch the pitch inside the cone. (Submitted by João Bicalho gaspar of Brazil, 2022).
- Tackleball: The aim is to tackle the opponent. This sport is to practice running with weight on you. The runner tries to get to the t-down. The t-down is like a touchdown, but the runner only gets 3 points if the runner runs past it. The tackler has to tackle the runner before it goes past the t-down. Or the tackler can push the runner out of bounds. The runner has to start at the beginning. When the runner is tackled you start over. When the tackler tackles the runner he or she is awarded 1 point. The equipment required is mouth guards, jerseys, and a rugby ball (created by Alayna, submitted by Landon, North America 02/2022)
- AtomBall: a sport that is a combination of VolleyBall And EndBall. AtomBall takes the rules of volleyball, but with a twist. You can hold the ball if you wish. You score exactly how you do in volleyball, with the same net. It originated in a 6th grade class, where it was quite popular.To score a point, you have to have the ball touch the ground of the opposing team's side, over the net. You are not allowed to go past the net. You can hold the ball or pass it around like its volleyball. When you are holding the ball, you are not allowed to move. Pass the ball to your teammates to try and score points. (created by Gannon Benoit, North America, 2018)
- Holographic virtual reality space portals: A unique non-stop infinite creative way of being a holographic game sport in new ways. You get to compete with real robots that work like humans and it is where you race . The galaxy with starships in holographic form reaching and turning into different starships as you go on and it's a high level of gaming sport in a new way. You have to design and build your own starship and your own styles of racing and know how to work tech really well or be able to practice and learn know basic skills in my new guide book.
Equipment Required: Computer glasses and game chair. Created by Jacob milburn (Jan 2022) - Contact Football: like basketball with soccer goals: Contact allowed. One pass before a score. Equipment Required: soccer goals, basketball, ten players. Created by Caolain Connolly from Ireland (2021)
- Sockball: a recreational sport that is played by twelve players by six on each side of the court with three substitutes. The length of court is the size of a basketball court and there is the "free sock" areas and the goal line. The game is started with a center throw. A goal or point is won when the sock enters into the goal line or basket. Afree sock throw is made when there is a foul. There are also offence too. There is also time outs too for five minutes. The game lasts for one hour. Equipment Required: sleeveless jersey, shorts socks, shoes, basket(small), whistle, stopwatch. Created by Daniel Somefun of Nigeria (Nov 2021)
- Taggleball: It is like basketball but the hoops have a smaller backboard and the net is enlarged. The ball has the substance like a wubble bubble because it is not in one form but can change shape. The aim is to get it in the hoop. There is 2 circles and one if you shoot it you get 5 points if it goes in but if you dunk then you get 3 points. You have to dribble the ball at least once for each of the people who touch the ball. If you are the only one who touches the ball the one drive you have to bounce it one time. Each quarter is 10 minutes long and there is no stopping it. There are 4 quarters. 3 players on each team. Fouls are not hitting the face.
Equipment Required: the ball with the substance of a wubble bubble and the backboards and a face mask the is not hard but to protect from hands to the face..Created by Daniel from Colorado, USA (Nov 2021) - Trampball: You kick a ball into a basketball on a trampoline. There are 2 positions center and keeper. The center tries to hit the ball to their team who are behind them. The keeper is the only one who can use their hands, to block the ball. The ball is a soft soccer ball. If the ball touches your hand you must sit for 2 minutes. The other team will most likely try and aim for your hands (this is allowed). Trampoline tricks are allowed too. Equipment Required: The right court, a pool soccer ball. Created by Naamah and Yahlie from Australia (Sept 2021)
- Dodgetramp: You dodge balls on a trampoline and do tricks to dodge. No hitting higher than the waist. 2-20 players. Equipment Required: 1 ball per player, a trampoline court, somewhere to sit out. Created by Naamah and Yahlie from Australia (Sept 2021)
- Skate Soccer: It is Soccer with a skateboard. Soccer rules but only skateboard shots. Equipment Required: Soccer ball, goal and skateboard. Created by Yahlie from Australia (Sept 2021)
- Garam: Like cricket with circles and boundary and attack with running fast is required. Two teams each with 7 players are required. Equipment Required: Ball and tile pieces. Then draw the different zones. 2 players can enter into ring from batting team if one gets out, the 3rd numbered player will enter. A keeper in ring is permanent in ring. Only two players from the running team can enter into ring only when the batting players enter. The batting player who gets in touch with the ball is declared as out. Submitted by Zahib Gaffar of Kashmir, India (Sept 2021)
- Hängii: a team ball sport. Players can use any part of the body including the legs, hands, and head to pass the ball to teammates. The game of hängii is preferably played on a level rectangular ground with a halfway line separating two teams of 10 players each. Players can score points by carrying the ball across one of the goal lines or by striking the ball at the goalposts with their hands or legs. Equipment Required: Goalposts, balls, pitch/playing ground. By Kazeem Busari from Nigeria (but currently living in Finland). Invented in Dec 2016.
- Turnstrike: This is an individual sport where the objective is to hit a ball so it bounces off two nets continuously in the air so it doesn't touch the ground. The nets are placed on opposite sides of the playing area. Players score every time the ball touches a net. To start the game a player must toss the ball from the middle of the playing area and hit it towards a net (called a serve). After the ball bounces off a net a player must go and (pass) hit the ball in the air up to three times and shoot it towards a net. The ball cannot bounce off the net more than once at a time and a player cannot run into the nets at any time. A player can only use one hand when passing and shooting the ball. Play stops when the ball touches the ground or if a player misfires when trying to shoot the ball at a net. Equipment Required: One foam basketball (Approximately 5 inch diameter), 2 net rebounders (Size should be around 52 X 72 inches for each one). Created by Kyle Hurley Marlborough, MA (March 2021)
- Danadana: A sport for two or more players. The player starts by picking the ball by the hand and make it to bounce on the right leg many turns without falling down and if the leg gets exhausted one can move into the left leg but without letting the ball falls down. When a player reaches 200 turns per leg is counted as a score. If the ball gets down before reaching 50 turns is counted as a defeat. Created by Yonas from Tanzania (July 2021)
- Noodleball: A very intense game just like basketball but in the pool, no dribbling, and only using pool noodles. Walking and jumping are all fine. Also, do not put your noodle on the hoop forever too. Put your hand on both ends of the pool noodle and bring them together to hold the ball while it is touching the noodle and release it over the hoop to score. Equipment Required: Pool noodles, players, a floating basketball hoop that is short, and a scoreboard. Created by Li Chen from the USA (June 2021)
- Speed Pool: Just like Pool but really quick. Basically the rules of pool, except you must be as fast as you can, also once you pick a ball to shoot at you gotta stick with it. Equipment Required: Pool table, single pool queue, and some balls. created by Frankie Oldham from Manchester (Nov 2021)
- Baka (tap ball): Almost like hand ball but with a twist. This game is played on a grass field and has a goal on both ends. Teams of 8 must try and score on opposing goals just like soccer. 2 halves of 25 minutes. The sport requires you to pass and dribble (you dribble by making sure the ball is moving at all times you can do this by the technique called tapping between your hands which counts as a dribble) as you and your team use dribbling and passing to shoot on goal. As defenders can do what they must to stop you from having a good shot on goal. As this is more of aggressive sport and you as a defender are allowed to hit to an extent and wrap around the defender as long it you are going for ball. The sport has a 3 point line which every shot outside of this line counts as 3 and everything inside the arc counts as 1 point. (created by Gabe and friends, in about 2016)
- H3D SoccerVolley: a combination of soccer and volleyball. However it will look different. The referee will flip a coin to start. Games comprise 4 quarters of 30 minutes. Goals are awarded if you score in the goal box or near, it counts as a goal. Not near the goal is not counted also known as Offside. The team who has the most points win. Fouls will be when touching or diving - a consequence, have a red card or have a penalty if in the goal box. Equipment Required: You will need a soccer ball, cones, football helmet and soccer shields for the knee. (created by Jordain Maloba, from Jeffersonville, Indiana, in May 2021)
- Tennis Hockey: You play this sport in an indoor stadium 5 v 5. When you play you use tennis rackets to pass, dribble ball on the ground, and shoot and more. There is a goaltender with a tennis racket and a helmet on that defends an ice hockey goal. There is a crease that if you step in it is a turn over. It is a non contact sport but you are allowed to bump people like you do in soccer. It has the same rules for lining as ice hockey with the restraining box and stuff. (Created by Patrick Mcginley from Pennsylvania in December 2020)
- Baseball touchdown: A combination of football and baseball. You hit the ball and run to the end zone if someone tackles you you lose your points. (created by Jayden Anderson, from Clintwood VA USA)
- Professional Mountain Tour Cycling (PMTC): touring motorcycles drive through scenic mountain courses all over the world to race for time against other motorcyclists. All bikes must be Adventure bikes within the cc range of 600 - 1100cc. All courses will be closed courses but not tracks.
Each rider rides individually with no other riders on the course while he/she is competing.
Riders must get times in three separate courses and the three times will be averaged. The rider with the fastest averaged time of the tree courses is the winner. Each rider only has one start on each course. There will be only three competitions per year (created by Melvin Sewell from LA USA, February 2021) - Lockup: a mini sport for boxers and wrestlers while they are training. It is kind of like MMA but you wrestle until someone taps out and if they don't tap out you keep going so the rounds don't end until someone taps out and you can punch your opponent. The round work like this every time the opponent taps out you move to the next round. Wearing boxing gloves is recommended. Only 3 rounds, No behind the head, Can't stop until someone taps out. (created by Joe Vazquez, 2021)
- Drone ball: 2 teams of 2 try to score through a 6cm diameter hoop in a 10m by 10m enclosed arena. The rules are that you can not shoot past a one meter line from the hoop you can not make purposeful physical contact. (created by Harrison and Alfie in the UK in Jan 2021)
- Racket Hockey: The object of the sport is to hit a tennis ball into a hockey net with a goaltender. You need to pass and try and get a good shot off. It is played in a roller hockey rink, with four quarters of 15 minutes. This is a non-contact sport but you can hit the other teams rackets. Their is no limit on how many steps you can take but getting a good shot with a defender in you is hard. So if one of the teammates gets a good shot he has to shoot the tennis ball into the net without going into the crease or it's a free turn over. There is offsides if your team does not have the ball you need to be on your defense zone. One point per goal, the team with the most points wins. Equipment Required: Two hockey nets and tennis rackets. (Created by Patrick McGinley IV from the USA in Dec 2020)
- Pillow Diving: pillow jumping off of high places. After piling up a lot of pillows you jump off of something very high (like a flight of stairs) onto them. Try to make unique jump maneuvers. (suggested by Campbell Mclean, May 2021)
- Sack football: basically the sport of american football but the main aim is to sack the quarterback. The defence have to stop the offense sacking the quarterback. If the defense team sack the quarterback the defense team gain 2 points and gain the possession of the ball. defense team become the offense team also. The touchdown is 1 point. 3 quarter of 16 minutes. Interceptions is 1 point, same as the touchdown and the defense team became the offense team. (created by Mauro Luconi from Italy in Jan 2021)
- Line ball: Players throw balls trying to score. There are different areas you can go to - the one behind you but not in front. 4 players no fixed positions. One warning no going In front, no contact, no mental or racist abuse. Equipment Required: Ball pitch uniform. (created by Ellis from England in 2020)
- Trampoline ball: 2 teams try to get the ball to their side of the court to score a goal. Each player has mini trampolines strapped onto their forearms. Players use techniques such as digging or setting to move the ball to their end of the court. The trampolines act as a way to reduce the impact of the ball on the players forearms and increase the distance traveled by the ball to get it to the teams side. Once at the end of the court, the team has to dig/set the ball into a soccer like goal. Equipment Required: 2 mini trampolines per player, Soccer like goals, Ball (created by Zara from Australia Dec 2020)
- Bouncing Ball: a team sport to be played by two teams of eleven players each. The sport is it to be played on a rectangular court with a hard surface. Players will use tennis style rackets to play a bouncy spherical ball with the aim of scoring a goal at the opponent's goalposts.The ball can only be played only when it is live i.e. bouncing, through the use of tennis-style rackets. Players shall keep the ball at all times. When in possession players shall bounce the ball against the surface through the use of the racket. Players shall also play the ball i.e passing or shooting, only when it is live. (created by Cedric Magane from South Africa in 2020)
- Indoor Games Triathlon: (created by Sinisa Culic from Germany in Sept 2020). A game for two players, who play 3 games each (steel darts, table hockey and table soccer). The Winner is the player who first score 9 points. Best of Five rule for every game. Steel darts: 501, table hockey: 5 minutes game, table soccer: first to score 10 goals.
- Freestyle Dancing: Crazy legs, freestyle, windmills, pancakes, a series of power moves performed in loose clothing with music that is usually upbeat and made by a DJ. This style can be performed by all types of music. All styles of dancing but the moves that get you to a known style move. Two people or more groups battle to see who has the best moves by unanimous vote in the end working it's way to the last contestant. Costumes can be worn, such as unicorn. (created by Mandy Monique Olivieri, USA, July 2020)
- Havoc Fighting: All styles of fighting against two opponents. Like kung fu, escrima, sumo, kickboxing etc. Opponents can use any style of fighting to win the match. (created by Mandy Monique Olivieri from the United States in July 2020)
- RolleyPulley: a fun sport/game and exercise of skill and balance that anyone can play. RolleyPulley is a 2-PERSON, 3-dimensional Tug of War! RolleyPulley is played with two players facing each other, standing on their own ParaRoller, while holding their end of an 8 foot pole. The object is to get your opponent to touch the ground with their feet before you do. (submitted by Jeff Acopian, 2020)
- Fish Spooling: a form of drop line fishing using a standard kite reel spool with various attachments like crab net/crab bait bags a fishing attachment where a barbless fishing hook. Only use barbless hook. Make sure you abide by the rules of each borough's fishing rules. Equipment Required: Basic kite winder spool, Barbless fishing hooks, Some form of hooks to make the attachments, Crab line, Crab bait bags. (created by Raymond Fairey from Norfolk GB in May 2020)
- Dunkerball: a single-player game where you are on a trampoline and your goal is to dunk a basketball into a hoop/net after performing a series of tricks, flips (etc.) You gain points similar to ice dancing or halfpipe snowboarding. You are not allowed to have the ball hit the ground before you dunk the ball in the basket. Maximum of 6 bounces to prepare for your dunk. All tricks must be done in the course of your final jump, (which doesn't have to be your sixth jump) and be finished with a dunk in the hoop. (created by David Hisaw from Missoula, MT in March, 2020)
- Mutball: looks a bit like volleyball football and basketball by hand. Played with two teams of 7 people, with a small ball. Become 1 goalkeepeer, the goalkepper called dallecie. Players pass by trying to score goals. Set intervention and throwing the ball to the face fouls in the game. Matches are played for 20 minutes. (created by Salih from Türkiye in 2020)
- Hula Hoop Rhythmic Dance: Rhythmic dance incorporated with a hula hoop. Twirl, roll, spin, toss, catch, dance around and with, during turns, jumps, jazz, all styles of dance with it. (created by Mandy Monique Olivieri, San Pedro, Ca in December 18th 2019)
- Fooketball: It is basically a combination of football and basketball. Using only headers or volleys to get the ball in the opponent's basketball hoop. Keep the ball in the air without the use of your hands. If the ball touches the floor the opposition team get to restart possession. No contact however u can intercept as long as the ball does not touch the ground. If it does the person with the last touch losses possession for his team. If contact is made there is a 5 mins sin bin. 5 a side. Equipment Required: Football. (created by Adam Townsend from England in 2019)
- Sockey: It is like soccer and hockey mixed together, played on polished maple wood court 20x20 court 10 people on court 5 per team played with 2 inch tall hockey puck goal 5 feet wide 3 feet tall played with your feet no hands allowed no kicking or physical contact can steal the puck. Equipment Required: Shoes that have good traction and have durable sides (created by Collin Mckiddy and Hayden Newport from Tompkinsville Kentucky, in Oct 2019)
- Houseball: The sport is played on a 30 meter by 10 meter pitch. There are 2 goals at the end called 'Houses' which is 1x1x1m and the tunnel is 1x1x4m and if the sun dragon ball is hit into the opponents house with an ogobat it is 1 point and if it is hit into the tunnel and then the opponents House it is 2 points. The ball can only hit the bat. When the ball goes off it is the opponents hit. When a foul is committed it is a free hit. The match has 6 periods of 25 minutes. Equipment Required: 8 Ogobats, 1 Sundragon ball, 1 Play tunnel, 2 Play houses. (created by Toby J. Clarkefrom England in 2018)
- Dressage over Cavaletti: You ride a horse in a Dressage test over Cavaletti or ground poles. 1. You must ride horse over the Cavaletti in a Dressage test at the correct level (Intro, Training, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Prix St. Georges, Intermediare Levels, and Grand Prix). 2. Refusals and Faults cost 5 points off of the score. 3. The highest score wins first place. Equipment Required: A horse, a helmet, a dressage whip if needed, spurs if needed, an arena with the dressage letters. (created by Catie Richardson from CA, USA, in 2019)
- Water Relay Race: Teams of one or more race from the side of the pool to get a big rubber ball into a basketball hoop to score points. The rules are simple, race from one end of the pool to the next. This game is played singles and doubles players. The rules are contact, splashing in the face and also passive play - if the team makes no attempt to shoot the ball in the basket this is known as passive play. Equipment Required: Basketball hoop small enough to fit in the pool, rubber type ball. (created by Zane Gardner from Dekalb Junction, New York in October 2019)
- Cruzball: Crabwalk soccer on a trampoline. You have teams of three, but only one player at a time is playing, so you do lots of subbing in and out. Its like soccer, but you're in a crab walk position and both players are trying to score in the same goal (the open trampoline door). You start a match by having your backs on the nets of the trampoline and saying "3,2,1 Goat!" Then you crab walk around trying to win the ball and score a goat. If you score a goat you must say "goat or your point won't count, and the next round you will say "3,2,1 cow!" instead of "3,2,1 goat!" Equipment Required: the equipment required is: a trampoline and a rugby or football (created by Noah Tecklin from California, in 2017)
- Fighting Choreography: It can be any genre of fighting. It's main theatrical purpose of the sport is to choreograph fight scenes in movies. So a Fighting Choreographer has to compete by auditioning and displaying their talent. Can involve as many men and women and children including animals, objects in all sets of surrounding's and enviornment after rehearsing and perfecting the choreography for the winner Choreographer. Equipment Required: Loose clothing attire is mandatory and bendable rubbery shoes. Hair pulled back. (created by Mandy Monique Olivieri from San Pedro, Can, Aug 2019)
- Fat Bat: Baseball and dodgeball combined. A team game that is played on a baseball diamond. Two types of bats, one normal bat and one fat bat. Players bat with the two options, once ball his hit the fielders can either tag runners or throw ball at them instead of just tagging. 3 outs, 2 fouls out, 2 strikes out, 2 balls walk, no lead offs, no stealing bases. Equipment Required: Hand fitted gloves no mitts, Special Fat Bat designed regular bat, Ball created special in size, texture for sport (created by Clinton Billups Jr from St. Louis MO, July 2019)
- Sand Wrestle Soccer: A square boxing ring size cage with sand at each side there is a lot 2m by 2m goal and in the middle of the ring the center circle is 1.5m radius. Three-a-side 2x10 minute halves. There is no goal keeper. If two players can't go on any longer than it is an automatic win for the opponent. Normal wrestling rules. Not allowed to touch ball with hand at any point .If you disobey these rules it is a free kick Equipment Required: Wrestling equipment Small cricket sized soft ball with cotton in called a cottonball (created by Jake Parker from England, April 2019)
- American Wrestling: Cross between wrestling and American football were you wrestle with pads and helmet to slow you down and make you less agile. You can do anything accept bring anything into the ring that can help you in any way or danger the opponents life. (created by Jake Parker from England, April 2019)
- Tatakai: A team of 5 fight to get a giant air ball (can use volleyball or kimball) to the other side of the pitch by fighting the other team, using push, pull, punch, kick, wrestling, floor. No biting scratching and spitting and if you do these the ball moves 10 meters up the pitch. If you successfully get the air ball to the other side you get 5 points. You play two 15 minutes halfs. The pitch is 60 by 20 and there is a 10 meter area to touch-down. (created by Jake Parker, England, April 2019)
- Balloonbattle: a group sport in a swimming pool where the objective is too keep a balloon like ball called a balloon ball of the water and try and get it into the other teams goals. You play on inflatables which make it harder to keep control of the ball. no pushing, kicking, etc . Do not use feet or heads. If dropped in water turn over ball. (created by Jake Parker, England, April 2019)

- Jetcrossgames: This new sport is like Lacrosse on jet skis. 10 players per team, three jet skis with two players per ski, consisting of a driver and a racket and ball player in back, a goaltender on a floating raft with net, a back up ski with two players and a coach/manager. They will have floating bleachers for the audience to watch. (created by Scott Hammond from Palm Beach, USA)
- American Tag Ball: If someone is frozen you can only advance by throwing the ball where you started from. A tag is an out, kind of like freeze tag. You must take 1 lap around the cones to score, if you can't score it becomes a dead ball. You can take shots during the 1 lap. The game can be played one on one. Equipment Required: A small Basketball and three cones for an oval shaped track (created by Zane Gardner, Dekalb Junction, New York, 2018)
- Pool Ball: American Football played in a swimming pool with only throwing allowed and no tackling involved. A touchdown is worth 6 points and an extra point worth 1 point. The player has to intercept and or cause a turnover on downs in 4 plays. (created by Zane Gardner, Dekalb Junction, New York, Jan 2019)
- Super rocky challenge (SRC): A game between two individuals who hit the ball using a racket trying to score goals. Each individual has his or her own net behind and he/she must stop the opponent from getting the ball into the net. Every ball which hits into the net is counted as a goal the player with the most goals at the end of the match wins with 4 pts. Each game lasts for 25 minutes with no break, each goal is 3 yards wide. (created by Trivol Katota, from Zambia, in Jan 2019)
- Super Tennis: The game is played using a racket and tennis ball. the court must always have a net running across. The game is played between two teams. Each team has five players and 2 substitutes. The game is only played using a racket and hitting the ball over the net. Players can wear any tennis attire, the court should always be square in shape, each round is 15 minutes. The aim of the sport is to score more points than your opponent in five rounds. (created by Trivol Katota, from Zambia, in Jan 2019)
- Volleytennis: The game is played on a volleyball court. All the players are required to use a tennis racket. A point can also be scored when your opponent fails to return the ball or hit the ball into the net running across. A point is scored when the ball falls into your opponents side. The aim of the sport is to score more points than your opponent in five 10-minute rounds. Each team must have 5 players and 2 substitutes. (created by Trivol Katota, from Zambia, in Jan 2019)
- Ultimate Flag Netball: a forward, fullback, and a goalie play on a basketball court, with lacrosse goals nets on each side of the field. The player has to throw the ball at the goals with flags on their waists. You call your own fouls. This game can be played on the beach, front yards, and on basketball courts. The rule of the out of bounds is one foot in bounds that has to touch the line. (created by Zane Gardner, Dekalb Junction, New York, Jan 2019)
- Square Ball so you have 2 four square courts and a big gap/space in the middle. 4 people in the each big square, 2 teams. we use a soccer ball and serve by kicking the ball to the other side. the other team has 4 touches and 2 bounces max to get the ball back to the other side. they have to be in bound when you hit the ball. when a team fails to get the ball to the other side, or miss that is a point for the opposite team. games are up to 5 points and whoever gets 7 games first, wins (created by someone in the USA in 2017)
- Matball - This sport need 6 person to play 3 on each team. play this with tennis ball on ping-pong table made of stone and use hand to play. It has serve at first and we can touch ball at most three time and we can defend the spike but the hands can't go over the net and ball should go over the net for the serve it should touch both side. Created by Aref Taghavi and friend from Iran (Nov 2018)
- Stichball - is similar to Tennis and Cricket, but this is played between two teams, 8 player in playing and three player in waiting. Stichball ground is 50mr round circle and 21yard batting and bowling pitch. Stichball cricket playing 15 x 5 ball overs, a wide, no ball, bouncer ball is not allowed. Equipment Required: Bat, Stichball, Wicket, Cricket Mat, keeper gloves, shin guard. Created by Lalit Thakur from Rohru, Shimla, India
- Quad-Cross - up to 10 people can play. First, You must swim. Swim anywhere that is swimmable, doesn't matter. Then run. Run!!! Then you scale a fence or something else. Doesn't matter. Then you dance the best. The person who does that fastest, taking the least amount of time, wins. Equipment Required: None, really, just a pool, lake, a cliff, a fence, some music, and determination. By D.E. & M.S. of Georgia (created August, 2018)
- Trigole - Its like a combination of hockey, basketball, and football. 6 players from each team try to toss a Frisbee into a special three-chambered goal for a score of 1, 2, or 3 goals per play. The field is 40.5 meters long and 18 meters wide and is sectioned into special lanes and bases. Equipment Required: A Frisbee. A Trigol. A Field marked for Trigole. This sport, in its full form, plays men against men and women against women in the same game. Teams take turns serving and defending; likewise sexes take turns playing. It is three games in one: a men's game, a women's game, and a double's game. By Thomas Michael Askew from Atlanta, Georgia, USA (created 1990).
- Battleball - Two sides, two people, two bats, one ball, hit the ball in the other goal the most times. You may not intentionally hit someone. Cannot use hands unless it's for blocking. May not cross middle line. Equipment Required: 2 bats 1 ball. By Joshua Marsh and his twin, Texas (created 2010)
- Rugball - A combination of rugby, Ultimate, and, well, rugs. After one team kicks off, the receiving team has to catch the ball in a rug, wrap it up, seal the rug, and pass it across their opponent's goal line. The first team to bring both the rug and the ball together across the goal line wins. Players may not move while in possession, and must remain at least five feet away from every other player. The first team to bring the ball across their opponent's goal line five times, wins. Equipment Required: Rug, kickball, large open space - rugby pitch, football field, or basketball court works fine. By Harris Parcek from the USA in 2018.
- 5-Round Boxing - Boxing Played For 5 Rounds And 3 Minutes Each Round! Created by Terrance James Harvey from Saginaw, Michigan, in August, 1984.
- Squash 4 - It is basically like squash except the room is slightly bigger to accommodate 4 equally divided boxes (instead of 2 in original squash), one for each player. Each player is assigned their respective boxed area and must make sure the ball isn't left bounced twice in their box (otherwise they lose and all other 3 players gain a point). The rules are similar to that of Squash, where if the ball bounces more than once in your box without being hit, the player loses and all other three players earn a point. When you lose you do not earn any points. The players are allowed to hit the ball in any direction as the ball will have to land in one of the boxes. If the ball hits one of the lines dividing the boxes, the two players sharing that line can both have a chance of hitting the ball. It's an all against all game. The first one to reach the most amount of points (40) wins the game. Created by Rhodesia Ramsay in March 2018.
- The Royale Push - Participants must push each other off the ring or fall in the ring to be eliminated. It must be played on sand (beginners will play on grass). Must be 1 vs 1 (on special occasions it could be up to four players, it has to be 2 vs 2 on 1st January and on the 31st. Description: 1. No punching or harming 2. Must have safety equipment at all time 3. Both boys and girls allowed 4. No weapons 5. Ages 12 and up. Equipment Required: 1. Soft helmets 2. Shorts 3. Jersey 4. Sneakers. Created by Angel Acosta and Diego Manzo from the USA in Feb 2018.
- Broomy - there are 7 players on a team: 1 goalkeeper who guards the goal with gloves and a broom, 4 strikers who sweep a puck into the goal with a broom, and 2 batters who bat a ball into the goal. Kicking or interfering with the puck using anything but the broom will be a foul. Injuring a teammate or enemy will also result in a foul and yellow or red card. A black circle around the goal is a no man's land meaning only the puck or the ball can pass through. If a player or brush passes through the other team will take a free sweep at the goal. All free sweeps must be taken 3 yards from the goal. Equipment Required: (per team) 5 brooms, 2 bats, 3 pairs of gloves, 1 puck, and 7 helmets. Created by Jimmy Price from limerick Ireland in January 2018
- Contact Soccer - Combines the physicality and equipment of football and the skillfulness of soccer. Soccer Rules: same offsides, same objective to put the ball in the net, same field, same throw-ins. Football Rules: Can Block/Hit, No Holding, facemasks, head to head contact, etc. Equipment Required: Helmet Cleats Shinguards Gloves Shoulder Pads Elbow Pads Goals Balls Corner Flags. I play the popular sports of soccer and lacrosse and I find it difficult to switch back and forth because of the extremely different levels of physicality, and I think this would be a great way to solve that problem and create an exciting new sport. Created by John Stoker from the US in 2017.
- Race Stairs - Two players race each other up and down stairs, using your hands and legs to go up and go down stairs as fast as you can. Created by John from Greece Dec 2017.
- Greaseball - Uses greased-up football on a turf circular arena. There are no stoppages unless a penalty occurs. Aim is to get the ball into the end zone. Four 10 minutes quarters. Requires helmet and full body pads. Created by American Matt Adelman in 2017.
- Class Cricket - It is a smaller modified version of cricket. The boundary to get 4 or 6 is only in front in official matches, but maybe all around the ground if unofficial. Uses small crazy ball. Created by Iron KB and friends from India in August 2015.
- HitBall - It is played in a trampoline field of 144 meter square with two goals at both sides of the field. You have to keep the ball in the air to make more points if you score a goal. To score a goal, you have to kick the ball to the bottom of the goal. Equipment Required: soft knee protector, soft elbow protector, long socks, lycra suit and gloves. (not surprisingly there is already a sport called hitball). Created by Mathias Douville from Canada in March 2017.
- Clockwise Baseball is like Baseball (all the same equipment) but the bases are run in a clockwise direction. 4 strikes & 3 balls. Foul balls are not Counted. NO DH. Game will be 2 hours or 9 innings, what ever happens 1st. Ground rule double would count as HR. Hit batter will advance to 3rd base if no one is on base. Hit batter will advance to 2nd base if one player is on base. Hit batter will advance to 1st base two or more players are on base. If a batter is hit by a pitch the Pitcher will get ejected. Also, similar sport Clockwise Softball. Created by Jeff Koopman in 2016.
- Buskitball - created by Lluwellyn from Jeffreys Bay South Africa in 2012. Martial arts in a safe way. Reflex testing. You try and grab the object your opponent try to dodge you. Longest to hold it advances to next round. No long nails. No hitting or smacking. Tie when winner quits. You and your opponent or opponents will battle one on one hand and then both hands. Equipment Required: Glow stick Ruber or safe hazard tool.
- Hitball - created by Dominic Bartlam, Mark ilsley, Jude Nobley and ak dhair from the UK in 2015. It is a game using only the hands and a tennis ball. You have to try and get to five points before your opponent. You are not allowed to kick the ball, no grabbing the ball (hitting it up in your hand is acceptable), 1 person is goal keeper who is allowed to hold the ball if his foot is on the goal wall, no outs, if game is played with 2-a-side then goalies can score. (there already is a sport called Hitball)
- Redcard - created by Thijmen Temmerman from Belgium in November 2016. The sport is similar to soccer but with almost no rules. There are 4 quarters each 6 minutes, there are no rules in redcard, the game is played with the same field and goals as soccer.
- Leg Frisbee - created by Khalid and friends from India in 2010. This game is played with two teams of 6 using a frisbee in an area of 90 meters sq. It is an elimination game - anyone hit below knee with the frisbee is out. If a player catches the frisbee without letting it touch the ground the throwers gets out. The person who crosses the end line is out. The team remaining at the end wins.
- Marker Slide - created by Collin and Alex from Wabasso MN in September 2016. The aim is to get the connected markers closest to the end of the sliding rail (45 feet long with a dip in it) without it going off. (2 or more people to play).
- Roller Skate Bowling - submitted in Sept 2016 by Amber Begley & Alex Pennington from Leavenworth KS. While wearing roller skates or blades, the player tries to throw a bowling ball down the lane to knock the pins down. Therefore you don't have to sit down and wait your turn, you can keep moving and just skate while you the other people bowl. Seems like a fun idea for a sport.
- VR WARS HELIUS - created by Joseph Thomas from Pennsylvania, VR Wars is a virtual environment sport where teams face off in a game of skill and strategy. The game will be played by "TWO TEAMS" in a VR "Virtual Reality Environment". The teams will face off in a game of strategy and skill in a variety of sports compatible with VR. This can be games ranging from sports to warfare, using VR headsets and Audio vests the users will not only be in the VR environment but feel the intensity of the sport. Equipment: VR headset, VR vest, Pc, Mic.
- Colour Chase - Teams of seven will try to get the opposing team's tags. At the end of ten minutes, the team with most tags left wins. Equipment: Tags and/or tag belt. (submitted by an anonymous Australian in Aug 2016)
- Small-Ball - created by English Andy in August 2016. The game is very high tempo and very quick, played for singles or doubles with a size 1 ball and a net that can change sizes by the player of the tallest shoulder blades. Each game is up to 21 points and sets are down by best of 7. The player who serves over the net with the hand starts the game. The player who is waiting for the serve will then hit it back and that will go on till the ball is dropped out of the air by one of the players if that happens the player who dropped the ball will lose a point and will go 1-0 down in set 1. In doubles two touches per team is allowed but in singles just the one.
- Earth moving equipment extreme sport - suggested by Ben Thomas of South Africa. A course with various tasks to be completed. Competitors doing various stunts and tricks. Points will be score on the following: Time to complete the course, Attempts to complete a task, Difficulty of stunts and tricks. Using different categories like Bobcat, Excavator. I really belief there is market for this to get makers of these equipment to compete.
- Basewall - created by: Matthew Haight from NC USA in July 2016 . Just like wallball but instead of using your hands you use baseball bat. You try to get everyone out of the game and win. Equipment: baseball bat and tennis ball.
- Coin Tossing Competition - created by Austin James from Columbia Sc in 2011. The sport involves flipping a coin to determine whether or not a team scores.
- Squall - created by Tia from England in May 2016. An exciting game for 3-10 year olds who want to enjoy a mixture of two sports - tennis and squash. You have two squash rackets and a ball. You throw the ball up and catch it in between both rackets. There are many different combinations of throws. The more complicated your throw is the more points you get and the height can also add to your points. It is a one-player sport.
- Awesomeball - created by Paul Haithcock and Ted Bashlor of Roanoke, Virginia USA in 2010. There are 2 teams of 5-7 and on either side of the court there are barrels with chairs or some kind of obstruction in a circle 5 feet from the barrel with the barrel in the center. Each team is trying to get the ball in the barrel without going inside the circle. While a player has the ball he may not move unless he doesn't have the ball. He must make progress down the court my passing the ball to teammates. Defensive players may not touch the player with the ball but may steal the ball. Each team may use any strategy they want: there are no specific positions. (submitted by Michael Elliott April 2016)
- Chess Multiples: created by Madhav Thigale from India in January 2016. All standard rules and procedures of Chess apply. Played by teams of two or more. Players are ranked and play moves according to their rankings turn by turn. Players can not discuss or communicate during the match from same or different teams. They will play the moves according to their turn and can watch from a distance and will sit/stand according to rank but not in a group.
- Fricket: created by Karthikeyan & Charan from Funglasia in April 2014. It is just like cricket, but a football is used instead of a cricket ball, and the bat used is a baseball bat. It is played in teams of 8 members each.
- Spiral Ball: created by Tyler in Dec 2015. There is a football and basketball goal, the goal is set to 9 ft and you must get the ball in the goal with the rules in the next box. 1. You must trow the ball above your shoulders to move, this requires catching the ball in a different location 2. You can only shoot with one hand, unless making an official one step move toward the basket 3. Balls that are shot and caught by the opposing team are interceptions, you must proceed to make two free throws which can be intercepted of the rim (free trow marker at 7 ft) 4. Balls that swated are steals, but you can also kick the ball so the player has to chase it and start there. 5. There is no goaltending.
- Squireball: created by Clement t.b. Shebore from Nigeria. It is just like tennis, can be played singles or doubles. It has almost the same rules as tennis, using a volleyball. Squireball is a local game played in my community, it attracted many youth to play it, it is full of skills, exercise and energetic display. I kept dreaming that, if implemented or introduce globally, it will be soon be one of the best game, just like tennis. I call on sponsors to come and partner with me to work on how launch this sweet sport, sponsors should contact me at adamaysfon at yahoo.com for more details.
- Tee Golf: created by James Gallimore from England in Nov 2015. Normal game of golf but instead of only using the tee to tee off you use a tee for every shot you take apart from on the green where you use your normal putter.
- Grass Jumping - created by Justin Lin in Spet 2015. There is a concrete strip where you run up, jump a certain height, then drop a height of about 1 meter before hitting the ground and rolling to dispel the shock. There are 1 to 5 judges who decide how many points you get for your go from 1 to 10. You must roll at the end, and the height of your jump, the speed, and the smoothness in which you complete your run all play major factors in scoring. The person with the most score wins. No equipment is required except for a grass jumping strip, fully enclosed shoes and socks and as an option, knee protection.
- Manus: created by Hunter Hiller from Ohio USA September 2015. Summary: Mix of football and soccer, there are players on the line - one ball protector and one runner. The runner or ball protector throws or runs the ball into the scoring zone. No punching, No grabbing clothing, Tackling is allowed. Equipment: Manus ball (small pillow shaped ball) Knee pads elbow pads Mouthgaurd.
- Scooter Soccer was created by Ronald Dery of Canada in August 2015, as he wanted his three sons to go play outside. You need a push scooter (trick scooter with handlebars and ball-Bering wheels), two nets (hockey nets can work) and a soccer ball. One foot must be in the scooter board when striking the ball (otherwise goal does not count). Kick the ball into the net to score. 2 vs 2 (or more) to play. Field : asphalt or street needed; nets should be reasonable distance away, depending on number of players. Not allowed to block path of ball carrier with your own scooter. This is a foul. A free kick is given. When ball goes out of bounds, allow 2 meters between player kicking ball in and defender. Ball must be passed.
- Strikerball - created by Allen Kimble from Dallas Texas in 2012. 2 teams. 2 players on field. You try to throw the ball in the goal without getting tagged. You can have a goalie, but you use your hands anyway. On turnovers the other team gets a 2 second head start to avoid tag rallies. 30 yards from goal to goal. 7 yards behind each goal, 12 yards wide. Tennis ball. If the ball goes out. The other team gets the ball. 8 minute periods of 3.
- Dalpalan - Created by Bahman Delfan from Iran, Lorestan in Oct 2014. 2 teams, each equal fixing 3 targets of stones in line on one side, and same for other team on other side in line. Any team who hit and dislocate the other's team targets by throwing stones sooner will win the game. All you need is stones.
- Rocket all - created by Ollie and friend from Britain, July 2014. Freestyle tennis! Two bounces allowed. The ball used is like a plastic inflatable football!!! U and your opponent rally the ball and u can do keep yuppies with the racket and pass back! Equipment: Tennis racket! Inflatable football.
- Hogby - created by Justin lucas and Sam Slye, April 2014. There is two teams of 7 people, u use a nerf vortex ball, you play on a soccer like field with two goals. u try to throw it in the goal without getting tackled. You cant go inside the goalie circle -when tackled you must drop the ball and the opposing team takes possession - you cant get tackled on your own side of the field - the 3 offensive players on each team line up in the middle every other person and the ref throws the ball in the middle to determine who gets firs possession. - there is 3 people on offense and 4 people on defense including the goalie. - there is 3 6 minute periods - no punching but u can stiff arm the ref will determine the difference - each team gets 2 timeouts per period. Equipment-required: Rubber cleats only, a Dri fit jersey with padding placed on arms shoulders and sides. you will wear compression pants with pads on hips, thighs, and crotch. From: Spanish fork, UT, 84660 USA.
- Ringball - It's a rubber ring frisbee just the goal is to throw the frisbee into a soccer net while people our defending you. There is 6 people on each team - you have a goalie just like in soccer too. - its ultimate frisbee rules - the only difference is you try to score by throwing it past the defenders and goalies in the net. - there is 2 20-minute halves - there are refs to control and call the game - each team gets 3 timeouts per half. equipment-required: rubber cleats only. dri-fit jerseys shorts. Created by Sam Slye April 2014, from spanish fork, UT 84660 USA.
- Lander Cars - created by John Yi in June 2014. This race style sport uses 2 main parts. The Slider, or the main car, and the Hook Oar, or what racers use to drag them selves forward. The goal of the game is to use the Hook Oar and drag the lightweight Slider to the finish line. Each racer sits in their Slider. They use the Hook Oar to drag and push forward, similar to rowing a boat. The first person to cross the finish line is the winner. There are many types of Sliders and Hook Oars. The Sliders can be 6 wheel, 4 wheel, 2 belt, 1 belt, no belt, grabholds, no grabholds.
- Lawn Cross: created by Alex lishman of England in May 2014. race on a track with jumps with lawn mowers/ garden tractors. Race round a track on your lawn mower and do as much of the jumps as you can. not allowed to hit people but are allowed to ram them.
- Segway Football: created by Sophie pleass from Bristol U.K. on May 2014. There are 10 players on a team and each one has a Segway which they ride on, they are only allowed to control it by the buttons that control it. If a player falls off or touches the ball or ground they re disqualified. If a player is disqualified then a player standing on the side takes their place. The game is over when the opposite team runs out of players. Each game lasts 10-15 minutes but if the game is a draw then the game plays on for 5 more minutes until the next scoring team. sport-description: NO tackling. NO touching the ground. NO touching the ball. Only the Segway can touch the ball. Equipment:: Segway, Football, Football pitch, Sporting clothes, Trainers (no open foot wear or high heels.
- Rubball. Created by tyler+toby of Bristol England in May 2014. Rubball is a mix between football and rugby, but you're only allowed to pass the ball back. Its only a man sport. Rules : your not allowed any bad tackles (no contact) And no hand ball ! When you score a goal you get a free kick outside the box but there's no wall And if you score you get 2 points sport-description: Equipment : football, 2 football goals and you need a kit (T-shirt, shorts, boots)
- SOCRI: created by Jacob Bob from Australia, August 14 2013. It is half soccer, part cricket, part AFL. Throwing and kick the ball between the posts is allowed. Under the soccer crossbar is 6, over is 3 and between the point posts is 1. NO SHOVING OR PHYSICAL CONTACT. Except bumping. That is allowed a bit. There are 9 players on the field and 4 interchange, plus one SUBSTITUTE equipment-required: You need AFL goalposts, a soccer crossbar in between the middle posts. A tennis ball. An AFL oval. 9 players and 4 or 5 subs.
- Darts with a twist - created by Julie Dunk from the UK. It's good fun when you have a few pints. This would be great for parties and even in pubs, gives an old game a new twist. It involves a spinning dart board. An alternative is a dartboard mounted on a thick nail and each person gets a turn to spin it for the next player. Equipment required: Dart board slow spinning wheel.
- Tennis baseball - creators: Tyler Govan and Abby Davis. date: 2011. description: All the same rules as baseball instead you only have to get 1 out and you use tennis rackets. equipment: Tennis racket and tennis ball.
- Tin The Cans - creators: Robert Harris (Niagara falls N.Y.) description: The sport is called tin the cans it involves a baseball bat 4 cans and a tennis ball the 2 players. with the bats are team mates and the other two players who attend to knock the cans down by throwing or rolling the ball at the cans are on teams there are 2 squares on the opposite sides of the cans were u run and tap to get points but if the opposing team knocks your cans down then they are up to bat.
- Jepady: creators: Daniel and Freddie, created: 2013. description: Throw rubber ball in jelly bucket - ridiculous surprisingly hard and addictive! There can be no stopping ball going in bucket by distracting. equipment: Rubber Ball, Jelly bucket.
- Soccerball - It's soccer but with lots of twists ... just as we have NFL from rugby, different ways of playing the tennis game, different types of boxing, different types of music so too i have developed for years now a different type of soccer. All i did was to change the rules and the method of scoring. it will interest u to know that the present way soccer is being played is not the real way cause the governing body of soccer lacks a complete understanding what the game of soccer is about. my new game soccerball has a higher intensity, different scoring method,unlimited changes of players and others different rules. I have been exploited before by the governing body of soccer given the fact that i gave them some of my rules which they decided to use in present day soccer without my knowing so i will like u to guide me on ways to introduce the sport. I bet you that if i am given an opportunity i will make the sport the greatest of all time. I have developed the sport for the past 10 years but due to my studies i decided to keep it low key and now I am done with my studies i think it is time for the world to know about it! (created by Pendie Ernest)
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- Weird and Unusual Sports
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