Beatball is a new sport created by Gregory and Derek from Minnesota in 2014. Beatball is like handball but with a tennis ball. It is a game like handball but with a tennis ball instead, it's played on a gym and you have to shoot from behind the three point line.
Equipment Required
- Attack, Midfield, Defence: Shorts, jersey, and shoes. These players don't need protective equipment
- Goalie: Shoes, shorts, jersey, baseball catcher chest pad, baseball catcher helmet, tennis racket, baseball glove on catching hand and lacrosse or hockey glove on throwing hand.
- You can only take 5 steps with the ball, then you have to pass it
- The playing area is a basketball court, and you have to shoot from behind the three point line
- Goals are 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide, but they can vary
- Four people are allowed on the court at one time (1 Goalie, 1 Defence, 1 Midfielder, and Attack)
- Attack have to stay on there half of the court and the Defence has to stay in their side of the court.
- Midfielders can go wherever
- Goalies can go on the other half of the court, but they have to leave their racket and throwing hand glove by their net
- Not a contact sport
Related Pages
- Other New Sports
- About the sport of Handball
- Complete list of unusual sports
