Harness racing, which is also called trotting race and pacing race, is a type of horse racing in which the horses race at a specific gait, a trot or a pace.
The horses usually pull a cart which is called a sulky. In Europe, there are also races which are done under a saddle. This sport is done individually. It can be done by both men and women, although some horses may be separated by gender in some races. Harness racing is usually held at dirt racetracks.

The difference between a trot and pace is that, for trotting, the trotter moves its legs forward diagonally. In pacing, the pacers move its legs laterally. The sulky is a two-wheeled cart which has bicycle wheels. The driver will carry a light whip to signal the horse. The driver can tap and can make a noise by striking the sulky shaft. In some countries, the use of a whip is forbidden.
Similar Sports
- Skijøring — being pulled either by a dog, a horse or a motor-operated vehicle while on skis
- Chuckwagon Racing — a chuckwagon is pulled by four thoroughbred horses around a track.
- Combined Driving — a driver on a carriage pulled by horses takes part in three events: dressage, marathon and cones.
- Thoroughbred Racing — horse racing sport that involves the racing of thoroughbred horses.
- Horse Pulling — one or two horses harnessed to a weighted sled pull for the greatest distance.
- Other horse riding sports
Related Pages
- About Carriage Driving — sports in which horses or ponies are hitched to a wagon, carriage, cart or sleigh by means of a harness.
- List of all sports involving horses
- Unusual sport: Ban'ei, a Japanese event which requires a draft horse to pull a weighted sled up sand ramps.
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.