Thoroughbred racing is a horse racing sport that involves the racing of thoroughbred horses. The sport is very popular around the world especially in the United States and the UK.

There are two major types of thoroughbred racing, flat racing and jump racing. Flat races, which are conducted over various distances, is the most popular between the two, with several major races around the world.
In the United States, several thoroughbred races are conducted every year. The most popular of which are, the Kentucky Derby — a 2.0 km race in Kentucky, the Preakness Stakes - a 1.9 km race on a dirt track in Maryland, and the Belmont Stakes - a 2.4 km race on a dirt track in New York, collectively referred to as the triple crown.
In the UK, there is a triple crown of their own, which consists of, 2,000 Guineas Stakes - a 1,609 meters race in Suffolk, the Epsom Derby - a 2,423 meters race in Surrey, and the St. Leger Stakes - a 2,937 meters race Yorkshire.
There are also triple crown races conducted in several other countries, like, Ireland, Canada, and Australia, which are popular in their own right within their respective countries.
Similar Sports
- Steeplechase — a horse racing sport in which competitors on horsebacks race on a long-distance course that has several types of obstacles.
- Harness Racing — horses trot or pace while pulling a driver in a sulky.
- Other equestrian sports
Related Pages
- List of all sports involving horses
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.